More from the mailbag, this one in the category of “Excuse me, but which of these questions have I not already answered on this very site, AT LENGTH?”
“Hello, my name is [withheld]. I’m doing a project that requires me to interview a person of my topic. I hope you get this and e-mail me back soon because I need it on Friday, November 7, 2003 at the latest. Please answer these questions:
1. How did you get into this area of interest?
2. What kind of training or education was necessary for this interest?
3. Is there an income? and if so…what range? and if not… what keeps you interested?
4. What are some things you had to do to get into this area of interest?
5. Are there any requirements needed for this area of interest?
6. What are some of the challenges you may face if you pursue this area of interest?Please answer these soon.
[name withheld again]”
I remain amazed at A) the astonishing laziness of some people, and B) their breathtaking rudeness.
Yeah, I “got back” to him. Five points and a gold star for the person who comes closest to my reply. (HINT: It was printable.)
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