You’re Joking, Right?

More from the mailbag, this one in the category of “Excuse me, but which of these questions have I not already answered on this very site, AT LENGTH?”

“Hello, my name is [withheld]. I’m doing a project that requires me to interview a person of my topic. I hope you get this and e-mail me back soon because I need it on Friday, November 7, 2003 at the latest. Please answer these questions:

1. How did you get into this area of interest?
2. What kind of training or education was necessary for this interest?
3. Is there an income? and if so…what range? and if not… what keeps you interested?
4. What are some things you had to do to get into this area of interest?
5. Are there any requirements needed for this area of interest?
6. What are some of the challenges you may face if you pursue this area of interest?

Please answer these soon.

[name withheld again]”

I remain amazed at A) the astonishing laziness of some people, and B) their breathtaking rudeness.

Yeah, I “got back” to him. Five points and a gold star for the person who comes closest to my reply. (HINT: It was printable.)

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8 responses to “You’re Joking, Right?”

  1. Dan Goodman Avatar
    Dan Goodman

    One newsgroup I read is devoted to alternate history. It gets questions from students who want others to do their homework for them.

    They usually get "helpful" answers.

  2. Jean Avatar

    Yay, Linda. Good answer–both of you. Obviously, I haven’t had to answer this tedious question enough times. 🙂 Nor have I had kids I wanted to teach how to fish for a lifetime instead of a day. (Parenting does have some bennies, I guess.)

  3. Tis Avatar

    I’m with Nicola on this one. The guy / girl didn’t even bother to replace ‘area of interest’ with ‘writing.’ And I thought I had seen true laziness before this.

  4. Holly Lisle Avatar
    Holly Lisle

    You guys are too good. Linda gets five points and the gold star on this one.

    Actual response: "I have already answered these questions on the site. You’re welcome to read it."

  5. Linda Sprinkle Avatar
    Linda Sprinkle

    You told him to read your articles, without the link. Why should you do his research for him? 😉

  6. Katherine Avatar

    You told him to RTFM? With a link if you were in a good mood?

  7. Jean Avatar

    You sent him the link where you answer this question already?

    What Nicola said! (Extreme laziness, I know.)

  8. Nicola Avatar

    I am astonished, not only at the lack of research – a simple look around your site would have reveled the page titled "Homework", but that all the aswers are on your site!

    What bothers me even more, though, is that this person has not even bothered to personalise the e-mail, it apears to be copied straight from the teacher.

    Please post up your reply Holly, I would love to see it!

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