Yippeeeee!!! Good News on Ohio 5 & Writing Site Updates!

I had a blast this morning. Lost track of time, (and as a result got twice as many words as the last few writing days)…

And I got a kick-ass start to Chapter Two. My MC is in trouble, her entire town is in trouble, and in MY tomorrow but her next three seconds, she is going to get some awful news.

Which I am really looking forward to writing. 

But, with 506 words for the day, 3,122 words for the book, and a nice, solid start to Chapter 2, I must now go work on the website.

I’m working on the emails that will bring groups of HWC members back to the site after we replace the school with the new software. I also have some “techie for other folks, but I have to set it up” stuff to do today.

So, having had a whole lotta fun with the words, I now go to do spiffy “new school awesomeness” website stuff. 

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