Yesterday Genna got mad

Today, she gets even.

In my quest to make my heroine the kick-butt hero of her own story, yesterday she took a really nasty situation in hand (with a cast-iron skillet, no less) and went one on one with a monster. Then, with the trophies of her monster-bashing stowed neatly away—but her prize ripped from her just as she was about to win the day—she went all McGyver and rigged up some pretty snazzy gimcracks to save herself from certain death.

Today, she’s going to go after the folks who stole her prize—and her chance of saving her village, her family, and her friends—away from her. She’s angry, she’s focused, and she’s more ready than she knows.

And I’m having a wonderful time. I got a bit ahead on the page count, I wrote a handful of new scenes that have really opened up the story and Genna’s character, and, in spite of the fact that I didn’t finish last night’s writing until 4 AM, and I’m unbelievably tired, I’m ready to go again.

Onward, following the lead of my ferocious young heroine-in-the-making.

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7 responses to “Yesterday Genna got mad”

  1. Inkblot Avatar

    Yay! Go Holly!!

    *o/* *o/* You can do it, you can do it!!
    *o/* *o/*

  2. WritingAngel Avatar

    See!! Ride that rollercoaster, Holly. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Chassit Avatar

    Fantastic news, Holly! I just can’t wait to read this book!!! Well, now I’m gonna go back to rocking back and forth and waiting for this book to come out, heh.

  4. shawna Avatar

    Cool! As long as she’s not chasing you… (grin)

  5. Katherine Avatar

    Excellent! IMO, cast iron skillets are among the best, yet least appreciated, weapons in most fictional kitchens. They’re far better than knives for most situations. The only thing better is a *smoking hot* cast iron skillet…

  6. Jess Avatar

    I don’t know whether to be glad for the update or upset at the tease. Have I mentioned how much I want to read this book? ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Liz Avatar

    Awesome news. ๐Ÿ™‚

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