I finished WFH1 yesterday at about 3:30 PM, with 3125 words, both done and total. I like what I got, and it is fun writing. It’s very freeing to be somebody else for a while.
Moved on to the LGD proofs, and got through chapter two with three mistakes found and corrected, and one so bizarre I have to look in up in the hopes that I’ll be able to figure out what it was supposed to be. (This was either a compositing error or a serious brain fart on my end.)
The kid is hanging out in his room most of the time — he got sucked into the George R.R. Martin ICE AND FIRE series, and is tearing through book two with a poleaxed expression on his face. Saw the same expression on Matt’s face when he was reading them. Me — I crashed and burned when the kid went off the side of the building, a few pages into book one, and I may or may not be able to get back to them.
For those of you who, having read the SECRET TEXT trilogy, are pointing fingers and saying, "But you … but you … but you …", I bow in frank admission of hypocrisy. What I write tends to be a hell of a lot darker than what I read. Not in all cases, but in many.
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