Yesterday and Today: Two days of writing because I ran out of blogging time yesterday.

Yesterday was great. I got 1417 words, and read through them this morning while getting into the story, and they can all stay.

Yesterday counts as a GOOD day.

Today? … Not so much.

Ohio 2 2021 02 04 at 11 50 17 AM

Today, I took Bugs Bunny’s “wrong turn in Albuquerque” and wrote a significant chunk of fiction that I realized just a couple minutes ago would have broken my world.

Yeah. The whole world, the characters, the stakes, the feel of the future books in the series — it was a bad, bad break. 

So I’m wrapping up for the day, giving my brain time off, coming in tomorrow and deleting most of what I accomplished today… and then taking a second run at “what happened after she hit him with her car?”

With she being one of my primary series villains, and he being — to the reader, at least, a complete unknown.

Tomorrow, I have to come up with something completely different. 

Because it’s entirely possible to think, “oh, this will be so cool”… and run with it… and then realize the price you’d pay for that few minutes of cool is the creation of a series of books you don’t want to write.

Just glad I caught it before I’d run farther with it.

So tomorrow I’ll start with -729 words, and try to get 1250 total for the day in spite of that.

If I don’t make it, I’ll do my best.

This is the job. Some days it’s harder than others. 


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One response to “Yesterday and Today: Two days of writing because I ran out of blogging time yesterday.”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Yay for the good writing day! Ugh on the wrong turn, though. Some days are just like that. Better 700+ words than 7000, though. I’m glad you caught it early.

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