Wrote a song for Ohio Novel #2 today — 1024 words and out of time

I came in a bit short on the word count today, but working my way through the creation of lyrics for a Celtic Rock Band and having the lyrics include an essential clue my main character has to figure out in order to bring a new kind of help to one of her allies took some time and the peculiar kind of hard work that writing to a rhyme scheme and meter always includes.

I love what I got.

And today I got to work in a bit of stuff that introduces a character who’s going to be important in Book 3 (and beyond.)

I also managed to bring back to life a writing class that has been unavailable for about two years. It’s a nine-week free class — The Beginning Writer’s Working Tour.

I know I have some writers following this blog, too, so this is for you guys. This particular free class focuses on one essential fiction skill each week for nine weeks, and serves as a nice introduction to writing better fiction. As well as a way to ease back into writing fiction if you’ve been away for a while, or stalled, or blocked.

And with that, I’m done for today. 😀

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