Gov. Kathleen Blaco, a Democrat in heavily Democrat Louisiana, is expected to sign the nation’s first anti-abortion law into effect.
I’m anti-abortion. I should think that Democrats taking this very un-Democrat position is great, right? That it signals a national trend toward a position I hold, or if not that, then that at least one state is doing the right thing.
I don’t think it’s great. I think the people of Louisiana should recall the woman and hold an election for a new governor.
Why? Because Queen Kathy and the Democrat-majority Louisiana government have decided by legislative fiat what will be best for the people, just as the activist court decided for the entire nation in Roe vs. Wade. The results are dead opposites, but the wrong that is being done remains the same: Getting the result you want by flaunting the will of the elecorate causes nothing but deep divisions between people, enmity among those who should be allies, and years upon years of fights to repair the damage that was done.
The ends do not justify the means.
This is a nation where the voice of the citizenry is supposed to be heard. Democrats, by majority count, are pro-abortion. I assume this to be the case in Louisiana as it is elsewhere. Republicans, by majority count, are anti-abortion. Elected officials in a Republican-majority state could have some claim to be serving the will of the people in voting in such a law. In Louisiana, however? I don’t think so.
Abortion needs to be decided state by state, and majority by majority, by a vote of the total population. You should vote, I should vote, every citizen of this nation should vote.
The results will be a mess. There will be states in this country where everything is legal from morning-after pill to third-trimester partial birth abortion, and states where saving the life of the mother is the only sure thing. I wouldn’t choose to live in a pro-abortion state; a lot of abortion advocates wouldn’t choose to live in an anti-abortion state. But once again, that’s the way it should be. Democracy is messy. American citizens have the right to create the governments they want, and to get the government they deserve, state by state and federally.
We the people have been falling down on our job of creating the government we want. We have passively accepted bad candidates at all levels of government, we have meekly looked the other way while laws and taxes have been imposed without our consent, we have quietly stood by and watched as our rights have been eroded by a series of presidents and congresses and governors and local officials whose main goal seems to have been to make government a growth industry at the expense of individual rights and well-being.
As a result, right now we have the government we deserve, at the federal, state, AND local levels. We can do better. But until we take a hand in getting candidates into office who will actually represent us, and until we start making a point of throwing out of office those elected officials who fail to represent us…
…we deserve no better than what we’ve got.
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