The content is the same—only now you can see, read, and print off (use pdf, it works better) every single line, clause, and sub-sub clause that pertains to you.
DO print off and save every bit of it. Every page, every sub-page, every page that is marked as part of the agreement.
When these clauses are updated—any of them—B&N must let you know that to continue doing business with them, you will have to agree to the changes. When you get this notice, REVIEW THE CHANGES.
The contract you will NOW be signing is, however, complete. I am not a lawyer, I cannot advise you whether or not is is a good deal or a bad deal FOR YOU. But all the pieces are now there for you to read.
In its complete form, when I can sign a document that contains all its clauses, it is only a bit worse than the Amazon contract FOR ME.
If I am given the option to support multiple platforms and fight to keep open multiple markets where I can offer my work, I will do so.
By making sure all the terms in the contract were actually IN the contract, Barnes & Noble has made it possible for me to continue to support multiple markets. I do this based on my personal set of priorities, which include doing everything I can to prevent monopolies in markets that affect my livelihood. On all sites other than my own, that is my first priority. Keep markets open and in competition with each other.
Are the contracts great with B&N and Amazon and Kobo great? No. You are dealing with megacorporations and armies of lawyers, and when you play, the game is always rigged in favor of the house. This goes for commercial publishers, too.
But having gone over the WHOLE contract, I’ll continue to keep my work on Barnes & Noble. And Kobo. And Amazon.
Always with the understanding that I can and will pull my work from ANY of those venues if the contract terms turn against me.
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