I know I’m going to get shot down with "C". It’s too strange, too out-of-the-box, too much not what my editor is trying to build me into. I knew it when I sent it, and I expect to hear today or probably tomorrow that it just won’t go.
I’ll save it, write it later. That’s okay. I still need a proposal for Claire, though, and the first thing I’m doing today is spending an hour brainstorming one.
Romance. Suspense. Paranormal …. but not too much paranormal. I think I have my ‘not too much paranormal’ thing ready time. The suspense … yeah, think I know what I want to do with that. Romance is the hardest part of the thing for me to get right; I get sucked into plots and forget about it entirely. So I’m taking some time this time to figure out and focus on that part of my personal triad.
One hour. I’ve set the timer. I’ll freewrite, and just see what happens.
Slept in an hour today. Ack.