Whoops! Late/Early Weekend “Write A Book With Me”

I forgot to post the Friday night word-count post for those of you playing “Write A Book With Me.”

I apologize—complete lapse on my part. It was my night off, and the post just slipped my mind. So I’m posting this one early, for Saturday and early Sunday, because right at the moment I remember. 🙂

And I’ll be back Sunday night, working on my book and getting my words.

In the meantime, how are YOUR words coming along?

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41 responses to “Whoops! Late/Early Weekend “Write A Book With Me””

  1. Nick Avatar

    Probably about 700 words today but, more significantly, completed a short story of 3500 words or so as a result, which does what I had intended it to do. If only I had factored in ‘being any good’ into that intention, as well! Nevertheless, completing a piece, any piece, is a good feeling.

  2. T.C. Avatar

    I apologize for proving faithless so early into my commitment. It has literally been impossible for me to write these past weeks. But now that the family situation is figured out I am finally back to writing, or actually editing, so I do not know how many words I have I just know things are going really well. So I hope everyone else is also having some great writing. I am glad I am finally getting some inspiration especially since NaNo is in a week, happy writing. 🙂

  3. Nick Avatar

    My progress has been slow, painful in the past few days. perhaps five hundred words, no more. I dare not count unless it is considerably less! But I have the story, the architecture of it, the atmosphere, I am carefully adding the detail. But it is slow, painfully slow and was meant to be only a brief detour (displacement tactic more like) from the novel. I’ll have nailed it before the weekend is over, this story, honest.

  4. Kait Nolan Avatar

    482 last night. Made some changes in my novella outline to better reflect hero and heroine’s character arcs. No words yet on that today, but happy with the changes.

  5. Maya Avatar

    I have decided to join, and am attempting to do 250 words per day for 21 days. My sister told me (or read somewhere) that anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit. So, I’m writing for 21 days, and I’m also making dinner for 21 days straight. So far so good—3 dinners done. And today was my first writing day. Word count 311 words on a new project that just came to me for a middle grade novel.

    1. The Pencil Neck Avatar
      The Pencil Neck

      Hey. Welcome to the group.

      It’s a bit discombobulated around here right now because of Holly’s family emergencies. Normally, there’s a daily entry and you just put your daily totals there. It’s really nice to read along with everyone’s progress. I’ve missed it this week.

  6. Peggy Avatar

    Catching up —

    765 on DG
    492 on OOT

    1055 on DG

  7. Kait Nolan Avatar

    354 last night on the novella and did some good brainstorming about draft 2 of HiS. I’m pretty pleased.

  8. Leah Avatar

    Just so that I keep an updated post here, I’ve written over 2100 words the past few days!

  9. Nick Avatar

    I wrote in my blog yesterday: In the wannabe novelist dead zone. When the demons come. If you can do anything, anything connected with writing when you feel like this, you have defeated ’em. I haven’t yet.

    That was yesterday morning. By the afternoon had written about 1k of a short story. Know exactly how it is going to end, exactly how it pans out and all part of the fantasy world in which all my tales take place. And inadvertently added some back history to it. Result!

  10. Gabby Avatar

    So nothing for Friday-Monday. I was away from home for long weekend and didn’t have a chance to write. Hopefully today will be better.

    1. Gabby Avatar

      I didn’t do much better last night. About 170 words I think. Need to refocus on writing again now that I’m back.

    2. Gabby Avatar

      I miss having everyone’s posts to read and seeing how everyone is doing. Well, I need to get out of my current scene tonight and on to the scary middle. I mostly have to finish up the ceremonial scene (pretty much throwing away the previous version and get further this time) and then transition to the next stage of my character’s story which happens to be the aforementioned middle. Happy so far with what I have from lunch time. I’ll post later with how it went. 233 words so far.

  11. Jewel/Pink Ink Avatar

    Been a while. 314 words today.

    I have been thinking lately of cranking up my pace, but you know, it is nice to not be so OCD about it. I’m happier; my family is happier.

    Have a great writing day, everyone!

  12. Peggy Avatar

    I took the weekend off.

    Monday I got 1043 for Doppelgangers, and 1335 on the busman’s holiday project, Out of Tartarus.

    Today’s words are coming along well, at least so far. Knock wood, cross fingers, and so on.

  13. Kait Nolan Avatar

    362 last night/early this morning (I’m counting it as one session…it was before caffeine).

  14. Cat (from HtTS) Avatar

    I translated 2563 words yesterday and did a lot of pre-planning for my next project on the trip to the Frankfurt book fair.

  15. Nick Avatar

    Nothing yesterday, unless the chapter titles for a novella I am writing count. (Although I haven’t actually written them down yet!) The Monday morning demons got the better of me. A grim, grey Autumn UK day it was. Not much better today, although now it is Tuesday…

  16. Larkk Avatar

    So the word count for the past couple days was: Friday 721, Saturday 296 and yesterday 1996 words on something called a phase outline (since I’m without my plot cards for a while due to computer failure.) I wrote a sentence or so about each small section of the chapter, whether it be action or dialogue or important parts of description. It was a really fun way for me to work, allowing me to nail down the nifty parts and leave a hole with a question where I’m not sure what is going to happen. I got through the first four chapters this way.

  17. Michelle Avatar

    364 for me. Came very quickly.

  18. Eve Avatar

    Just barely squeaked in above the minimum with 280.

  19. Mark Avatar

    I didn’t write Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I spent the time researching different systems of magic from Harry Potter to Dungeons & Dragons. It was very draining. Can’t say I’m a fan of D&D, but it’s very detailed, so it forced me to think about my details.

    Actually, it was study the children’s TV series Avatar that got me thinking the most. They only have four elements, but the ways that they use them is endlessly inventive.

    With the basic stuff out of the way, I’ve now got to look at more complicated battle magic… curses and such. I don’t want my characters to just throw fire back and forth.

    So my story is paused with characters ready to go into battle, and I’m working out how to structure that battle in a way that is interesting, logical and easy to understand, while retaining levels of complexity.

    …Oh, it’s going to be hard to fight all the procrastinating I want to do…

  20. Jessica Avatar

    Nothing yet, since Friday. I left work to stay over with the cousins and watched the twins all weekend so no writing time. But my reading audience has grown again since now the cousins want to read the 1st draft when I’m done – which I decided I’m going to try for December 31st. And for the sake of sanity I’m not sticking too hard to that but it’s nice to set a special date.

    Off to do some writing now.

  21. Don Avatar

    538 today picked up Plague War sequel to Plague Year. Plague year was really good I hope the sequel is as good.

  22. Flory Avatar

    For Saturday: 413 words.

    I finished transferring my journal writing to computer. I have a total of 17,068, plus what I wrote today. My goal is to have 75K by end of year. This will be a first-rough draft. I’m not editing or revising as I write. That will probably take me longer than getting the rough draft written. I can do this!

  23. Johanna Avatar

    Going through my HTTS lessons again. I started a long time ago but didn’t finish. This time I’m determined to! Lately I’ve been working on the Sweet Spot map and it is sooooooo fun. From there I’ve been doing a bit of clustering for my latest story idea and it’s helped me figure out some things while providing about twice as many questions, which is wonderful. I think this is an exciting place to be.

  24. S. Megan Payne Avatar

    158 words on Friday. Two line for scenes on Saturday night. The opening scenes. Also did approximately 100 words on the first scene. Really, really happy about that. Hate them, but they get the idea of the words I want to fill the spot and that’s good enough for me.

  25. Sandy Jensen Avatar

    I was at a Aspiring Leaders retreat over the weekend and had resigned myself to not writing. Then we were given some reflective time to jot a few notes on what our leadership qualities are. I write half a sentence and fell down the rabbit hole of memory and language. Wrote half the essay yesterday and finished it this morning. I don’t have an exact count, but I’m guessing 2000 words?

    Wahoo! We’re flying now!

  26. June Avatar

    Looks like everyone is getting some good work done.

    This is for Saturday (since I couldn’t write Friday). About 300 give or take of tooth-pulling hard material. I will be so glad to get out of this chapter. It will happen some day.

  27. Debora Avatar

    38 words. Actually 8 words too many, because I was trying to come up with a revised sentence for my WIP. I am pleased but not thrilled with this new sentence.

    I’ve been having problems with one scene in particular, so I decided to abandon it. Not delete it, but abandon it. Move on to the next scene. So it’s back into my time machine. It’s Wednesday, June 17, 1863, and . . . .

  28. Ieva Avatar

    800+ on Friday, totally fried for Saturday. I am currently lowering my expectations of myself considerably. Making plans when you are on a roll is a vicious thing.

  29. Michelle Avatar

    380 words, plus a few notebook pages of fun world-building stuff. I drew a map. It was way more fun than a 29 year old should have with colored pencils. 🙂

  30. Eve Avatar

    647 for tonight. Saturday is usually my longest writing day, but I have a time critical project going on. Before now it wouldn’t have occurred to me to even try writing anything, but without the pressure to finish a whole scene at a go it’s okay.

    I’m intrigued by the writing course, but don’t want to get started with that until I finish my current project, as I’m afraid it will point out all the things I’m doing wrong and show why it couldn’t possibly ever get published. Publishability is not my main concern with this particular project. While it would be extremely cool, I already have an intended audience (my kids, who I’ve been allowing to read earlier portions of the book) who love it just the way I’m writing it. If I worry about what the rest of the world will think of it I’m afraid I won’t finish it for them, and that would be very sad.

    I have plenty of other ideas, though, that would NOT be primarily for my kids, and when I get to writing those I want to have a better arsenal of tools.

  31. Flory Avatar

    Didn’t write anything today. I like putting pen to paper, so I spent some time transferring my scribbles to my Word program. I was surprised at the amount of words I have so far, and I didn’t finish transferring it all. It gives me a different perspective on my writing goal.

  32. Kait Nolan Avatar

    362 words today. And a successful first lesson on a motorcycle!

  33. Don Avatar

    Things are going great 635 words fleshed out the action sequence, destruction and mayhap on a global scale, very cool. MC BFF is still alive but she dies in a plane crash with about everybody else but the MC and her love interest (Don’t need them). White House Chief Of Staff Janice Mac Douglas-Fowler is about to be eaten, a very satisfying night.

  34. Clare K. R. Miller Avatar

    616 words for Friday. Hopefully, more tonight and tomorrow.

    1. Clare K. R. Miller Avatar

      And 501 words for Saturday! Jack is so angsty. To be fair, his best friend is missing and possibly dead.

  35. The Pencil Neck Avatar
    The Pencil Neck

    For Friday:
    757 words – Development

    Finished up the basic plot cards for one of my sub-plot characters. Got a little more clarity on some ways to get the main character out of her final big jeopardy. Wrote up some ideas on interstellar travel.

    I’ve been a little bit surprised at how hard it is for me to convince myself that interstellar travel should even be possible. I’ve been reading science fiction just about my entire life. I’ve read all sorts of different stories with different approaches to hyperlight travel: warp drives, hyperspace, jump gates, folding the fabric of space/time, worm holes, whatever. And when reading those stories, I’m perfectly able to suspend disbelief and grant that it’s possible. But when I’m writing a science fiction novel, it’s hard to convince myself that it can happen.

    I’m going with a jump drive that requires an interface between the drives, the computer, and a human mind.

  36. Peggy Avatar

    305 for Friday, many of which will have to be tweaked. The problem with writing such a BIG book is remembering all the little details that have come before. One of those details slipped my mind, and it completely changes the tone of the detective’s questions to the girl.

    So that’s the weekend’s task: Tweak where needed, and finish the scene.

  37. HannaBelle Avatar

    Glad to see your post, Holly. I thought my Twitter account was messed up. 😎

    No words yesterday and not sure about today. I get lost in my own version of overwhelm. Still working on story sentence and scene sentences for Bx2 Pedestal.

    Today I finally opened up Liquid Story Binder and put in my writing projects, current and future. My plan is that as I get ideas I can put them all in one place now and not get distracted by trying to remember the idea until I have a place to put it. I am going to put some of the non-writing projects in there too, see if it helps move them forward.

    This week I listed my projects –writing, work and hobby. This does not even account for garden and home stuff that needs to be done.

    I don’t work on all of them at the same time, but having them in mind is exhausting. I also know that it is better to only do one or two at a time … but I can’t abandon them either. I think LSB will help me not feel they are abandoned, just waiting for their turn:

    8+ writing projects (3 current, the rest future/next)
    2 blogs (just started)
    7 websites (1 down, 6 to go)
    1 crochet project
    2 classes I am taking (H2TS and Dreamweaver)
    1 sewing project, design is done, need to make prototype

    I consider the first three to be my job right now, so I plan to start putting 6-9 hours a day into them – budgeting my time between them through the day/week. I know it sounds like too much, but I have always had too many projects going at once, and juggle them.

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