Whole LOTTA Revise Your Novel Questions

My nonfiction work today was/ is/ will be going through all the many, many questions you asked on the Revise Your Novel poll, sorting them into categories, and then figuring out where in my process the answers fit, and how to make sure I answer them all.

There are several questions that popped up that are NOT revision questions—I figured I’d address the biggest of those here.

“I can’t finish anything,” has nothing to do with any part of the revision process. You don’t start revising until you’ve finished writing—if you’re not finishing the writing, you’re either dealing with problems of motivation or problems with the creative process itself. Either way, taking a course on revising your novel will not help with either of these problem sets.

For the rest, though?

Well, I’m about twenty pages into the roughly 70-page printed-out stack of questions, and have already written out over forty separate, legitimate problems that ARE revision related.

Everything from “How do I figure out the best order for my chapters?” to “How do I make the beginning match the end?” to “How do I create a deeper connection between my readers and my characters?”

Those the course will cover.

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5 responses to “Whole LOTTA Revise Your Novel Questions”

  1. Adam Avatar

    i’m looking forward to the revision course, and hopefully by the time Holly gets it complete i’ll have my novel done.

    wrote a little over 400 words in chapter 10, added some to my sourcebook, updated most of my glossary, and did alot of planning for my next chapter. been starting to visualize a few of the scenes from my next section, and am starting to get excited for them.

  2. Gabby Avatar

    Holly, your course sounds fantastic! I can’t wait to have my WIP finished so I can take advantage of it.

  3. Steph Avatar

    Great progress, 768 words today despite the workday. 🙂

  4. Don Avatar

    Had a very good day today 881 words allot of plot twists and turns. I think it’s good for the reader to be surprised, not with plot twists that are out of the blue and leave the reader thinking how did that happen, but with twists that are plausible and they think “Oh wow” when the twist happens.

  5. chalan Avatar

    I’m currently revising my first finished novel, that i might add was finished because of all the great advice I got from you, I don’t always come on the site but when I do it’s usually because I’m looking for guidance. Right now I’m currently revising said novel and a lot of it is chopping away the fat, tightening the writing and flat out writing new scenes. Mostly I wanted to come on and say what an inspiration you’ve been and how helpful your work has been to me. One thing I was wondering though is how many others you have also helped. I had this idea that a poll where those that have been helped on this site can put in whether they’ve finished a novel. If so has it been published, or how many are working part time or full time as writer’s now. That would be really interesting and if at any point you did that I’m sure the results would be amazing.

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