Where I’ve been

Thursday crashed and burned with some stressful family news. A migraine ate Friday. So today I’m playing catch-up. Long way to go.

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6 responses to “Where I’ve been”

  1. Larissa Ione Avatar

    (((hugs))) I hope everything works out! And my sympathy on the migraine…giving birth hurts less.

  2. Bettye Avatar

    So sorry about the migraine. I can truly empathize – sympathize with you about that.

  3. shawna Avatar

    Oh, I’m sorry… sending prayers and other assorted good thoughts your way…

  4. Holly Avatar

    Headache wins the round. Will try to finish later tonight if I can, but right now, ugh.

  5. Holly Avatar

    The news was potentially heartbreaking. There’s hope, but I’m not sure how much. At this point, I’m making decent progress, but I’m working through the headache, which is back and awful.

    On the bright side, my blood pressure has stayed great through all of this.

  6. The English Rose Avatar
    The English Rose

    Aw, sorry to hear that, Holly. I hope that you can catch-up quickly. I got DoW from the library this morning and I’m loving it so far…. Makes me wish I’d thought of tracking down your books sooner, heh. Also, I hope the stressful family news isn’t too stressful and that it is resolved well.

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