I apologize for my absence. The last few weeks have been hard.
I’ve been back to full-time vertigo and full-time migraines, and though I know this is nothing life-threatening, it is damned difficult to work through. I’m doing my best, I’m still producing the HTTS Walkthrough, and Margaret and I are worknig hard on the transfer of all my courses to NovelWritingSchool.com, but other things have slowed down a lot.
And then a couple days ago my computer died, and it’s taken me that time to pull the part of my backups that would fit on my laptop and get more or less up and running again.
I hope to have my main computer back in a day or so, and to have everything back to normal in that regard by next week. (Right now I only have access to some of my software, and some of my records. There simply isn’t room on the hard drive of my older computer for everything I’m using now.)
I’ll do my best to start posting in here again, and to pick up the threads on TalysMana and WABWM. Once I have the site transfer finished and am no longer working such awful hours, I expect the headaches and vertigo to taper off. They did the last time I had some down time.
I miss being here. I’ll be back again as soon as I can.
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