What’s in Grandma’s attic? — 1286 words, and 72,321 total

I had kind of a hard start this morning — was up way too late last night, and didn’t sleep well once I got to bed, and then woke up at pretty much my regular time (just after 7 am instead of 6:30-sh). So I would have expected to be off my game.

But I’d left myself at a good place yesterday, and picking up from that scene today went pretty well. I wrote slower than usual — seriously, I could use a nap right now. But I had a lot of fun as soon as I opened up the document and started reading through yesterday’s work and doing tiny tweaks. (And fixing typos.)

By the time I started writing new words, I was rolling, and I discovered some things about my MC’s grandmother’s attic that are very cool. And really weird.

And that tie her back to her great-grandfather, or maybe her great-great grandfather, one of whom was a smith — and who was making a lot more than horseshoes.

Fun scene, fair amount of research on cast iron and ancient coins, and still hit my words.

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