A fair number of you have now purchased Create a Character Clinic.
If you’ve had a chance to read it, I’d love to have some feedback. Is it useful? Clear? A different approach to developing characters?
(Admittedly, I’d also love to have a couple of cover quotes for the print edition.)
And a query: I designed the e-book version to be easily readable in Adobe Reader full-page mode onscreen on a 15″ or larger monitor, so that the writer could flip straight from the ebook to the work in progress, and not have to spend money on toner or paper. This is what the print is so large when you print it out on the page.
For those of you who know you’re going to print the thing rather than read it from the screen, and who don’t want to pay the extra cost for the print version, would the option to purchase a small-print ebook version be a plus?
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