Well, the writing is going pretty well, though 20,000 words of it have been going well in the negative sense, since those were the words I ripped out to put in new and better words. There’s nothing like tossing a hundred problem pages to make a novel fly. Weird fun.
Nor is that the only weird fun I’ve been having. I discovered a new writer — (new to me, that is) — Ann Coulter, through her irresistibly-titled book Treason. It’s researched to the teeth, has things I sure as hell never got in history class (and I went to school when schools still actually taught history), and in the hands of a less-talented writer I would simply be furious at what I’m discovering. Instead, there have been places where I’ve had to stop reading because I was laughing so hard. Don’t get me wrong — I’m still pissed off about the fifty-plus year-long war of treachery and deceit detailed in the book. But even villainy can be hilarious when handled by a good enough writer. And Coulter is that good. Give Treason a try; it will be worth your time.
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