We Have an Offer!

We (my agent Robin Rue and I) have received an offer on the Onyx Proposal. Better, we have accepted the offer. Barring acts of God, I’ve finally sold the thing, and though acts of God can occur right up until you sign the contract, I’m going to leap on faith here and dare to believe that this is going to happen. (To understand why this is such a huge, huge deal for me [if you haven’t been around my site since last October] the full history of the Onyx Proposal starts here. Start at the bottom post on the page and read from bottom to top and from page ten to page one to get the first three-quarters of the story, and then, if you want ending chapters, continue reading OP entries here, from bottom to top, and using the “next entries” link at the bottom of each page to scroll forward. It’s a bit of a saga.)

In other news, my daughter is without power and I can’t get through, but the area has — from all accounts — weathered the storm well. I’m hoping to hear from her as soon as phone lines clear or she gets electric back.

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16 responses to “We Have an Offer!”

  1. Jenne Avatar

    I’m so glad to read this!

  2. Steph T. Avatar
    Steph T.

    I’m thrilled for you, Holly! Thanks for sharing the whole process with us. And I’m glad your daughter made it through Katrina safely.

  3. valerie Avatar

    Congrats, Holly! Glad to hear the good news, and good luck with the Hawkspar revision as well.

  4. BlackThorn Avatar

    Finally! Yes! Congrats, Holly! You’ve worked so hard for this! Woohoo!

  5. joelysue Avatar

    Huge congrats, Holly! I hope your family is safe from Katrina.

  6. Monica Avatar

    Much admiration for your work ethic

  7. Lanyn Avatar

    Woo! Congrats! Well-earned after the saga you’ve been through. I can’t wait to watch it come to fruition. I just finished Last Girl Dancing (absolutely loved it!!) and am about to start Talyn.

  8. PJ Avatar

    You must be happy and relieved! Congratulations! My thoughts are with your daughter. I just finished Midnight Rain, and while it was not quite what I expected – I liked it. 🙂

  9. alisons Avatar

    I’m so pleased for you. You couldn’t deserve it more. Let us know when we can pre-order ; )

  10. Kaitiana Avatar

    Oh, Holly, I’m so happy to hear that! I’ve been rooting for you. I also thoroughly enjoyed Midnight Rain and Last Girl Dancing (just as much as I enjoy your fantasy novels) and plan to pick up Talyn whenever I have more than two pennies to rub together. Congrats on all the hard work paying off!

  11. shay Avatar

    congrats holly! just finished reading LGD and boy that was a page turner, looking forward to reading the rest of your work now, including this work…

  12. LyndaC Avatar

    Have just read (and reread some of) entire Onyx saga and I’m so so happy for you! It must feel great to have earned something you’ve worked so long and hard for…I can’t wait to read this book!

  13. ammit Avatar

    It’s all about the alligator.

  14. TinaK Avatar

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! What a saga it has been! I’m so thrilled for you and boy, I can’t wait to read this one. Keeping your daughter and family in my thoughts. Katrina sounded pretty rough.

  15. Lemm Avatar

    Yay! *jumping and clapping* This does sound like a good one.

    Thinking of your daughter and everyone in Katrina’s path. I hope you hear from her soon.

  16. arrvee Avatar

    YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! ‘Bout time they got some sense! This sounds like a good one.

    Looks like Katrina’s going to have a go at both of us about Monday. Be safe.

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