And that at least one of the murals I painted in one of the classrooms there still exists, though not for much longer. She sent me a picture of the mural, which I’ve added above.
Back then, I talked her into helping me paint it during a study hall we shared. It was a big damn wall, and I was very persuasive, because painting on cinder-block was hard work.
The picture is my depiction of the Canterbury Tales. I was astonished at how much I loved Chaucer (especially the dirty stories) that I read the stories in both English and Middle English (with a LOT of help from the translation notes) that year.
My teacher, Jim Rose, asked me if I’d design and paint a mural for the wall. The picture above is what I did.
I don’t remember who all the characters are anymore, but I do remember that the four characters on the bottom row are the Miller, the Reeve, the Friar, and the Wife of Bath (my signature is on her sleeve).
Next row up, I don’t remember the dude on the left with the lute, but the woman on the right is the Prioress.
I also remember the Knight. The rest are now blanks, though if I re-read the book, I’d get them back.
The school is auctioning off everything.
In theory at least, someone could take this awesome one-ton piece of kid art home.
Which is where the title of this post comes from. Do I think anyone will buy it? Of course not.
But it made a fun post title, and it gave me an excuse to show you something I did when I was a kid.
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