Wake-Up Call

Woke up this morning with answers, three minutes before the alarm clock would have gone off. One of the better ways to wake up, incidentally.

One of my answers was betrayal by a trusted friend and colleague. The other, the moment when all that work I did on shadows yesterday clicked and I knew exactly how the shadows would come into play. It was sweet.

So today, I’ll see how far I can get on the proposal.

Oh! And not only will the site be down tomorrow, but I’m taking the day off. I have shelves coming for my office; for the first time in over a year, I’ll be able to get to my reference books without digging in boxes, and I’ll have places to put all the cool things that have been stored. I’m excited.

Got to figure out some reasonably attractive way to deal with cables, though, because I’m moving my desk and everything around. It’s stupid to be thrilled about a chance to spend a day putting books and office equipment on shelves, I know. But I am.

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