WABWM: New song, lotta words, and Recording Day ๐Ÿ˜€

7:12 AM

Today I’m limited for time. My brother-in-law is coming over at 12:30 PM to help me record tracks for “Didn’t Expect That,” the song I wrote for Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. I have to stop writing at 10 AM, because I have to set up my office as a recording studio (yay, Garage Band), dampen outside sound, get my fingers and voice warmed up, and get the words of the song in readable format for him because they’re in my handwriting right now. He’s doing the complicated guitar track. And backup vocals.

But I have good things to write today. My twist left over from yesterday. The next conflict bit.

GOAL: Best possible before 10 AM
Starting Scene: The Silence

So. Onward, with speed and ferocity.

9:49 AM

DAMN. Got 1772 words, wrote lyrics for a new song (straight into the story) and the twist spawned a twist, and both were beautiful.

Happy, happy, happy, happy. ๐Ÿ˜€

But out of time. Going to go set up for recording now.

Hope your words are joyous, too.

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7 responses to “WABWM: New song, lotta words, and Recording Day :D”

  1. Lee Avatar

    Happy belated birthday, Holly, and congrats on the 12-string, the progress, the recordding, and everything in general! Woohoo! Now if my lungs will stop spasming so I can stop the incredibly strong meds that make me sleep, I can get some writing done. Dang sitter who loves to use Clorox. Grrrrrrr!

  2. Betty Z Avatar
    Betty Z

    I’d love to hear the finished song. ๐Ÿ˜€ The snippets I’ve seen are serious teasers. I’d love to get the book (and HTCB) when it comes out.

    Since I’m pretty new at writing regularly, I’m aiming for the baseline goal of 250.

    Got 469 words today.

  3. Kirsten Avatar

    Will the new 12-string be featured on the recording? I hope so! Teacher, writer, now a rock star. So cool. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Today, one 3089 word scene revised.
    This dazzling speed made possible by the minimal changes needed. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Scene: Remember Be Here Now
    Totals: 109,053/119k

    Only three scenes left to revise! Each time I get to my ending I love it more, even though it always makes me cry …

  4. Julian Adorney Avatar
    Julian Adorney

    695, and a down-scene with the hero and princess. They walked along the road, chatting and flirting on their way to another adventure.

  5. SharonW Avatar

    Ooh, good stuff! Congratulations, and have a wonderful Garage Band session (actually, by this time I’m sure you’ve finished recording, but I’ll just time-travel my wish backwards to apply to this afternoon).

    Still feeling blah, but I may be coming out of it – 395 words today. Starting to weave another intelligent species into the story; they’ll become more important as the situation develops.

  6. Felicia Avatar

    I can’t wait to hear Cady’s song.

    I have decided to start writing some shorts before Nano to get my writing muscles warmed up.

    Goal yesterday was 500 words. Got 966. I met the 500 goal in about 10 minutes. The story is getting me really excited.

    STARTING: 966
    GOAL: 500

  7. Walter Spence Avatar

    Have a good recording session.

    689 words last night.

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