WABWM: Dark, dark, dark today…but fun

7:12 AM

Headache woke me, I’ve started my day with aspirin and Tylenol, and that’s never a great way to start. But I’m here, I’m a bit early, and my folks are in trouble.

So it’s time to make the trouble deeper and stickier.

GOAL: 1500+

Read through yesterday’s thread first—new software, new computers, fresh starts. Pretty cool.

Have a good run today, folks. 😀

11:11 AM

Tylenol and aspirin worked, and I built out on one particularly cool collision of enemies, and built in a little Muse Bomb I probably won’t set off for another two or three books. :mrgreen:

Now at 67,009 words, and 1731 for the day.

Going to go put as much of HUNTING THE CORRIGAN’S BLOOD together as I can so I can get it out this month.

Still have to record the song.

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4 responses to “WABWM: Dark, dark, dark today…but fun”

  1. Walter Spence Avatar

    Not sure how much this counts, but I’ve been working on the timeline for Abby, the viewpoint character in my sequel to House of Shadows, titled The Secret Room.

    By ‘timeline’, I’ve created an outline of what was going on in the world during the years prior to the beginning of the novel. For example, she was born on December 7 of 1975, the same day Thorton Wilder (author of the play Our Town) died.

    She was nudging at me for a while to get this party started, but lately it’s been more of a shove between the shoulder blades…

    1. Holly Avatar

      All progress counts as progress. 😉

      Only words count as words.

      So cheers on the progress, and good luck getting to the words. If you haven’t read the rules yet, they’re simple, fun, and designed to get writers to finish their books.


  2. Danzier Avatar

    I got one line today. Nine words. That’s the best in a week! I got a paragraph on seasons on stage, too. Not bad.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hang in. You can get it done.

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