Visiting With the AFK

The Kid is home from the desert and got enough leave to come down and visit us for a few days before going on to a long list of other things he HAS to do. We’re having a wonderful time, and having him home safe, where we can talk about books and writing and movies and his very scary desert adventures, and some of the funny things that happened, is wonderful.

The Air Force has given him some real clarity, as has the time he spent under fire (much more than I thought). And I’ve discovered that he’s walking much the same path I walked. I worked ER for the clarity of mission, the immediacy of need, the fact that I had to be right quickly, under pressure, the fact that other people’s lives depended on me…and the fact that it mattered. He does what he’s doing for the same reasons, and now, offered a chance for an easier path and safety, he has discovered he doesn’t want to take it.

I understand that. I wish I didn’t, because then I could urge him to take the safe job.

But I do. So I won’t. I’ll worry. But I’ll also understand.

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One response to “Visiting With the AFK”

  1. BJSteeves Avatar

    I’m thrilled that you two can spend some quality time together.


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