Vision: The Writing Workshops, and a Quasi-Schedule

Vision: The Writing Workshops I’m pleased to announce that Vision: The Writing Workshops is now available in the store in e-book form. $6.00.

I’d intended to start on the print workbook version for the Language Clinic today, too, but have run out of time. So that will be tomorrow, and Wednesday, and if I’m lucky, not much longer than that.

Following getting that on Lulu, I’m going to start writing and putting together the Create A Culture Clinic. I anticipate that taking at least the next month, working steadily. Because of necessary illustrations, tables, and so on, it may end up taking longer. I just need a little time away from fiction before I jump into The Ruby Key. I need to make a couple of character and plot changes before I start into it, and I have to let the issues seep under my skin for a little while.

Note that there are no dates on this schedule, no word counts, nothing of the sort. I’ll get back to those.

But not today.

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7 responses to “Vision: The Writing Workshops, and a Quasi-Schedule”

  1. joela Avatar

    I can’t wait until everything’s on Lulu. I like print 🙂

  2. Holly Avatar

    Nicole—I do sneak off to knit from time to time.

  3. Nicole Avatar

    *sigh* Good point, Holly. I keep forgetting that as a full-time writer one becomes self-employed. Hopefully you can at least have boss-moments and underling-moments, so that you can still rant at your “boss”…

  4. Holly Avatar

    Nicole–Because I’m self-employed, my schedule has to be as important to me as one given by an editor. If I waited for people to tell me when they needed things, or made my schedule something that I felt comfortable tossing, I would never have accomplished anything.

    The mindset you have to incorporate when you go full-time is that you are your boss, and your boss is a bitch.

  5. Nicole Avatar

    I do think that “schedule”, unless given to you by a supervisor (or editor, or agent, etc) is something that is to be used as a guideline and thrown out the window whenever it becomes inconvenient. Self-imposed deadlines and schedules only work for me on a rare occasion. And when I plan them, I tend to forget breathing space, too. Best of luck with it!

  6. shawna Avatar

    Yay! Glad the next clinic has made it into line- looking forward to that one.

    I’m about ready to throw the word “schedule” out the window, myself. Have pretty much decided that my homeschool plan is just that… a vague plan. Four week in, and things are _finally_ starting to settle into a pattern. Sorta.

  7. The English Rose Avatar
    The English Rose

    Ooo e-book! Yay for breathing. You really need to remember to do that, Holly. *g* Good luck on your next project clinic thing. I really do need to check out your other ones. Still plugging through DoW – slowness this week because life crept up on me… I did homework today from 7AM straight through till 1PM when I had to go to class(and yes I worked during lunch!) I have a sneaking suspicious I should get used to it, as the “real” world won’t be much different. PS, I like the “One More Word” icon. Good motto, that.

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