I’m trying not to be too excited. Trying not to expect too much. You must realize that, with my fundamental nature as an optimist, this is very, very difficult, but I’m giving it my best shot. In spite of the fact that there is this part of me that wants to imagine my site bandwidth taking a serious hit from new readers, which would be fantastic.
Why would I imagine such a thing?
Because on Thursday, November 4th, MIDNIGHT RAIN will get a very well-laid out, punchy, largish ad in USA TODAY. This is national exposure of a type I’ve never had before, to a readership of roughly 2,280,000. And the ad includes the link to my site, and a mention of the chapters available for free.
Visions of needing to call Jatol and have the guys buffer my bandwidth for a day dazzle me and taunt me …..
So back to earth.
Based on my previous experience with advertising numbers, I have to assume that the ad will interest, at absolute best, about one out of every thousand readers (and I’ll take USA TODAY’s stated circulation as a given, and not subtract out of sheer cynicism). Further, I will assume that maybe 1% of those who are interested will actually check out the link — people who are interested in something and who actually follow through on that interest are a rare breed. (See, this is the rational, NOT optimistic part of me talking now.)
So I guess I won’t call the Jatol guys and warn them about a huge bandwidth drain. However …
If (best case) 228 new readers show up here next Thursday, well …
Hi! Welcome to the site! Know that you are one of the few. The brave. A doer, not a talker.
And thank you very, very much for coming. Look around, settle in. Make yourself at home. I’m glad you’re here.
And for those of you already here — thanks. I’m glad you’re here, too.