As I promised, UGLY BABY, the free PLF-based workgroup—which will run for the next twelve months—is now live in the writing community and is open to all members. Sign in at and get started.
There are two challenges I recommend you sign on for, and I’ll be putting up a BONUS VIDEO wash-rinse-repeat process for a free way to get your work out there and selling, doing Seed Launches as described by Jeff with my added quick turn-around for getting feedback you can use.
Write with joy, and kick ass in the next 12 months.
P.S. It’s free to all my site members. If you’re NOT a site member, that’s free too. Sign up for your account here:
P.P.S. Until Friday, we’re still on the old site. Folks sometimes have problems with the current account creation and sign-in process. If you do, go here:
I do all my own support right now, so you may have a wait, but I’ll get you in. — Holly
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