Two-Hour Fiction (with a nonfiction chaser)

Got a net gain of 1209 new words, in spite of pulling out a couple chunks of previous work. DTD now sits at 9102 words, and I have my hero stuck in the heroine’s hall closet while she and a couple of her grad students are trying to figure out the relationship between the missing vase and a brutal murder. Great writing morning.

And now I start the second module of The Writing Craft: Dialogue and Characterization. I want to focus on exercises in this module that will allow writers to discover through their own writing how what characters say is a hundred times better in showing readers who those characters are than any amount of physical description. I think this will be fun.

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One response to “Two-Hour Fiction (with a nonfiction chaser)”

  1. Francisco Luciano Fernandes Avatar
    Francisco Luciano Fernandes

    You are fantástic

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