Trying Again: Sign-up for the Website Paper Test Version 1.1

Paper Testing ROUND 2

I’ll be gone next week for another tongue biopsy/surgery (not sure how much he’s going to need to do, but the recovery for both is the same).

After that, I’ll set up the next paper tests. Parts of the site design look pretty close to ready. Parts of the site have proved to me that paper testing is the best thing since controllable fire.

When I’m done with ROUND 2, which people who did not sign up for ROUND ONE will be eligible for, I think I will for the first time ever have a site that is genuinely easy to use.

I only managed to get 1 person through the original paper test. It proved useful, however, because she conveyed a palpable sense of being underwhelmed by what was there.

So I rebuilt the entire front end of the paper test.

I’m now ready for volunteers for the new paper-test sessions.

Before you volunteer, please go to the ZOOM site to make sure the software will work for you.

You can use either the web login or login via free software the company provides. I’ve used both, and it’s very good.

But if it doesn’t work for you, don’t sign up. This is the only option I’m going to have for paper testing in the first round.

If it does work for you, go to the sign-up sheet:

Instructions are on the sign-up sheet,

but I’m going to add a couple of important additional points here.

Pick any of the times and days that will work for you. Plan on coming to the meeting right on time. I’ve built in some padding to let us get your screen set up and make sure your sound is working.

By the way, you’ll need a decent mic, whether built-in or stand-alone.

You do NOT need a webcam. You can use one, and I’ll be glad to see you when I talk to you, but if you don’t want to do this, that’s fin.

When you sign up, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL from CONTACT link show in the image below:

I’ll need to send you the meeting link for the software we’ll be using so you can join the meeting.

And thank you very much for volunteering. I have a much more professional system in place this time. If it works smoothly, this is going to be our new live chat system.


My time is New York / Miami time.

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23 responses to “Trying Again: Sign-up for the Website Paper Test Version 1.1”

  1. Fireflynorth Avatar

    Re: ZOOM AND SOUND INCOMPATIBILITIES, for those interested for the next round of testing.

    If your mic does not work at all with Zoom, likely it is because you upgraded to Windows 10 (in which case you would also most likely have problems with Skype too).

    I will put the fix below–it DID work–but my mic ended up making me sound as if I was at the bottom of the sea with a lot of white noise. So I ended up buying a really nice Logitech h390 noise-cancelling headset, which plugs into my USB port and has great sound quality and no noise.

    (You might be luckier, so DO test your mic again after the fix! I have a crappy cheap Dell laptop and the sound controller is built in.)


    Go to your Control Panel and find the Device Manager
    Near the bottom of the page you will find “Sound, video and game controllers”
    Double click to open up the properties box
    Select “Realtek High Definition Audio” (or whatever audio controller you have)
    Click on “Update Driver”
    Select “search automatically for driver software”
    Wait for your drivers to update.

    That’s it.

    The nice part about the Logitech 390 headset/mic that I bought: It has laser drivers *built in to the headset*. So your computer doesn’t get changed at all and your mic is not dependent on the computer.

    That’s it. Sorry for all the Geek talk. But I’m putting this out there just in case someone is tearing their hair out. 🙂

  2. Jeanne Thelwell Avatar
    Jeanne Thelwell

    All full.

  3. Carol Schoenig Avatar
    Carol Schoenig

    I got through everything Holly. It appears that there are no available slots for testing. Is that correct?

    Can’t wait to try this out.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Slots filled up very quickly. I’ll be doing the next set of paper tests as quickly as I can after I recover from the next biopsy/surgery, which is next Tuesday. I figure I’ll need a week to recover, and a week to get caught back up.

  4. D. X. Logan Avatar

    I tried to get Zoom to work, but as far as I can tell it isn’t working with my system. I am going to try again in the next few days.

  5. Robbin Hurley Avatar
    Robbin Hurley

    I have been able to sign up with Zoom. I see that all the time slots are full, but I am available if you need an alternative. Just let me know.

    1. Holly Avatar

      It’ll be a few weeks, but once I’ve had time to re-design the problem pages and rebuild the portions of the site that used them or linked to them, I’ll set up Round 2. I’ll be able to do part of that while I’m recovering from surgery.

  6. Adaram Avatar

    I was going to sign up … but it’s full 🙂 Might be better since my only option would be later in the evenings. Good luck to all!

  7. Marya Avatar

    Signed up, picked time slot, sent email. 🙂

  8. Katja Avatar

    Aarrgh! Zoom is having hissy fits. Sorry Holly…

  9. Andy Avatar

    I can use the Zoom software on my PC but like the gentleman before me I am in a different time zone and I have all sorts of trouble remembering them as can be attested to by my two daughters living in the UK.

    1. Holly Avatar

      I’ve added the time zone converter to the bottom of this post. There’s one slot still open, I’m going to add the time zone converter to the new site.

      ‘This is a big deal. Thank you and the other folks with this issue for pointing it out.

      1. Marie-Claire Avatar

        That would be great – if you have a link with the time that can be added to a calendar that seems the most reliable way I have found of making sure the time translates acurately to what you are doing – as from experience of converters take a lot of time to work out and I still miss 50% of the times – I am just getting your times worked out but other areas of the States I am lost with 4-6 hours behind is the best I work from and that wastes a lot of my time waiting around.

  10. Sallie Avatar

    Ohhhhh, how I want to sign up! Unfortunately, I have not yet mastered the art of predicting the weather with 100% accuracy so I don’t know if I’d be home to do this or not. So, wistfully not signing up. 🙁 I hope it all works perfectly for everyone though!

  11. Kyralae Avatar

    Signed up for Wed, 23rd. Should be good to go.

  12. Tammy Reeves Avatar
    Tammy Reeves

    If there were evening slots I would be available to help. I’m a middle school teacher and will be in classes all morning.
    Good luck! I hope everything runs perfectly!

  13. Roberta Burton Avatar

    I had no problem signing up for Zoom. I like the ease with which it seems to work. As for times, my week is scheduled waiting for appointments. As soon as I find a suitable time, I will sign up for the conference.

  14. Tom Vetter Avatar
    Tom Vetter


    I’m down for Wednesday 9/23. You should have seen the email confirmation already.

    Best of luck!

  15. Lauren Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    I’ve signed up with Zoom and as far as I can tell my system works with their system.

    I can help you test.


  16. Jean Avatar

    Looking forward to giving this a try. It certainly looks more impressive that WebinarJam’s interface.

  17. Marie-Claire Avatar

    I can use the Zoom stuff – but I haven’t picked a time – I just can’t work out what the times are in the UK -your usual Q and A is about 6pm and I don’t want to mess you around by missing the time due to a miscalculation on my part. If you need more help email me and I will try what I can. Best Wishes MC

    1. Holly Avatar

      There’s still one slot open. Check the list, then convert the time if you think it might work.

      Time converter is here:

      1. Marie-Claire Avatar

        Sorry Holly I only just saw this. MC

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