Triage One—My Jeff Walker “Ugly Workshop” Bonus

JUST ADDED: Jeff went live early. PLF is not available—and you can get his course, and MY bonus, Now.

Here’s the link

Post questions about my Jeff Walker bonus here.

If you have questions about the course that I can answer, ask them, too—but remember, I don’t know what the price is going to be yet, have not yet seen the new version of the course, and my old version has become outdated, as proven by what I’ve already learned from the existing videos.

You’ll get a very solid idea of what the course offers from these three free videos—Video One, Two, and Three—where Jeff uses the process he teaches to present the course he’s teaching. You’ll come in on Video Three. If you haven’t seen the first two, click back to the first one and start there.

Remember that if you have not posted to this blog before, I have to approve your first post, so when you post, don’t re-post. I’ll get your post live as quickly as I can, and answer as soon thereafter as possible.

And because the link to the videos above is my affiliate link (which you must use to get my bonus), let me include my affiliate statement regarding Jeff Walker here:

My Affiliate Statement

Jeff Walker is one of THREE people whose work I recommend withoutย reservation if you’re treating your writing like a business. If youย write fiction, he is one of two. (Jimmy D. Brown is great forย teaching you how to put together courses, but is not reallyย applicable for fiction writers).
And after a personal invitation from Jeff, I became an affiliate.

Which means if you buy this course through my link, I will get paid.

I was recommending him long before he asked me to be an affiliate,ย because what I learned from him changed my life immeasurably andย for the better.

I would continue to recommend him even if he dropped his affiliateย program, and for the same reason. He treats his students with careย and understanding, he gives a damn that you succeed, and his courseย is the best course on the Internet for showing you how to connectย your work to the people who will love it.

Holly Lisle

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40 responses to “Triage One—My Jeff Walker “Ugly Workshop” Bonus”

  1. Tami Avatar

    Hi Holly,
    I’m about to publish my first novel and could really benefit from Jeff’s course. Unfortunately, there is just no way I can afford it right now. Will your ugly workshop be available for folks who take PLF next year? Are there any other workshops, courses, etc., you could suggest about product launching in the meantime?

    1. Holly Avatar

      Free UGLY BABY WORKGROUP is now live. Info in the following post…

  2. Troy McDonald Avatar
    Troy McDonald

    What If we already own PLF and want to be part of your application of PLF and fiction writing?

  3. Katherine Avatar

    I just wanted to let you know that I have signed up through you as well. I have made maybe one post on one of your boards before, but I have purchased your programs and have greatly enjoyed what I have been able to do because of them.
    I feel like I am taking a great leap of faith, but just like Jeff Walker said in the last video, that’s how we get to the places that really matter. I am excited to be along for this ride with you guys. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Holly Avatar

      Thank you. Iโ€™ve built bonuses to make the course work even better for you as a writer.

  4. Wendy Clark Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    Do you happen to know how long the course runs? I feel like I should have seen this somewhere. You’re doing your 6 novellas, so is it 6 weeks? Thank you so much!

    1. Holly Avatar

      The massive course modules appear once a week for five or six weeks…BUT (voice of experience) it’s impossible to get through them at that speed and actually do the work. You get all the updates and additions for a full year, too, and there are a lot of them—so by the time you’ve done the live calls and watched or participated in the Hotseats and all the other stuff he does, it’s a full year of unmissable material.

      I’ll be doing my novellas at the pace that I can write one, then do the Expansion module for it, then Launch the expansion module and the book. So there’s no way I’m getting through that in six weeks.

      Finally, the objective of my bonus is to get the people in it publishing, launching, and growing their audiences—so we’ll almost certainly be active for the full year.

  5. Gracie ONeil Avatar

    I, too, bit the financial bullet this morning and signed up for Jeff’s course. The major drawcard for me? The fact you’ve made yourself available to help us with our practical application to fiction. Holly, I’ve already learned so much from you with HTTS and HTWAS. I can’t wait.

    Let the Games begin!!


    1. Holly Avatar

      My plan is to have the whole pack of us making real money from our fiction by the end of the bonus. And to have the ones of you who aren’t making ANY money from your writing seeing your first income by the end of month one. So be prepared to work. ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. Felicia Fredlund Avatar

        I’m one of the ones not making money yet. I’m in for a crazy ride with this and university, but I’ll enjoy the ride!

  6. Juin Avatar

    As always, I am so glad I found you. Your direct and forthright way of getting to the heart of the matter is very cool. The 4th video was taking too long so I thought by clicking out it would give me the usual pop-up that says don’t go away, here is the product – alas, no. So I am going back in to listen (really kicking in the ADD on that one) to see what the payment plan looks like. Really enjoying the Ultra course. Totally helpful. I’m one of those perfect people so reminding myself that I don’t want to retire from my current job is what motivates me to keep writing (besides the fact that I enjoy it).

  7. Tara Maya Avatar

    I first heard of Jeff Walker a couple years ago, and even then wondered if his course might help me. The thing that held me back was that I didn’t know if what he had to say would help me… a novelist. Knowing you were going to be there sharing your own take on this is what made me decide to go ahead and take the leap.

    1. Holly Avatar

      We’re going to have a pretty good-sized group. Enough people to add genre variety and give us all a lot of practice with our own launches and launches with our JV network, but few enough that we’ll all know each other pretty well by the time Jeff wraps up the last material (in time to open the new class).

  8. Texanne Avatar

    Jeff sent out an email for a special price for those of us with PLF3 to upgrade. I’m pretty sure I bought the original through your link–how do I make sure (if it’s possible at all) I upgrade through your link?

  9. Misty Avatar

    Story of my life. This is exactly the sort of course that would help me, but there’s no way I could ever scrape together this kind of money to pay for it. Certainly not with a week’s notice.

    It’s a shame, because I believe from what I’m seeing that it truly is worth the money, and would make all the difference in my life.

    Oh well.

    1. Jean Avatar

      I may be out of turn here, but he’s indicated he’ll reopen the class again in the next 12-14 months. You have time to prepare for the next class with what you know now if there’s no way to take the leap at this time.

      1. Holly Avatar

        Jean—exactly right. One of the things he emphasized was to take notes on the videos, because you can learn a lot that will help you immediately.
        And there are some folks in the community who are getting a board just to discuss what they learned in the three free videos, and how they’re going to apply that.

        That way, NEXT year they’ll have already made some progress.

        If you know you can’t get Jeff’s course this time, you can still join in on that general discussion group.

        1. Joan Avatar

          Could somebody point me in the direction of the discussion group for those that weren’t able to buy the course this year? Thanks!

          1. Holly Avatar

            Hi, Joan. Not yet. The new board won’t be available until after I finish the site upgrade. So, barring disaster, Monday.

            Well, even WITH disaster, Monday, because I do have a back-up plan.

  10. Sally Jane Driscoll Avatar

    Felicia, I’ll see you there!

    I just bought PLF, too, though it’s a bad time since I’m saving for a mortgage. But I have to get out of this RUT. If PLF is anywhere as good as Holly’s courses, it’s a bargain.

    Now if only my heartbeat would slow down–! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Holly Avatar

      Breathe. The worst you ever feel when you by something expensive but of great quality is when you buy it. By the time you get into the course material, and we start launching our books, you’ll feel fantastic.

    2. Felicia Fredlund Avatar

      Opportunity was knocking down my door. What else could I do but invite it in?

      Holly taught me how to see opportunity.

      This will be great, Sally. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Felicia Fredlund Avatar

    I’m bonkers, but I just bought it. I haven’t fully figured out how to finance it. So I’ll be busy, busy, busy.

    I don’t have finished fiction to launch yet. So I’ll have to do that.

    I had one question/request:

    Holly, will you go through more in depth how you have used the material before to launch your products? You’ve hinted at it, but in the private area will you tell us more in depth? That would be awesome.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Yes. I’ll walk you through all the steps I’ve done, where I screwed up, and what I did right.

      1. Holly Avatar

        By the way, I know that leap, and remember the nervousness that accompanies it.

        On the Ugly Workshop board, we’ll focus on getting your fiction out there in a good, strong way so it can start paying you back.

        1. Felicia Fredlund Avatar


          Good thing I’ve been training all summer to become more productive and my first weeks at uni is teaching me even better.

          I’ll need it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Selene Avatar

    That’s true, but I thought that to finish a launch (step 4 in video 1) you’re supposed to actually sell something and I have no fiction to sell for quite a while yet.

    Anyway, thanks for the info! I’m off to check the recently live final page!

  13. Michael M Dickson Avatar
    Michael M Dickson


    If the course price is anything close to the previous versions, we’re looking at a $2k investment. That’s serious money to invest in a program that lays out strategies that can be found online for free, albeit after hours and hours of sifting through the garbage.
    My question to you is, if you could pick out two things out of the entire course, you personally think is indespensible to an author and online course creator/teacher, what would they be?
    I appreciate your thoughts Holly.


    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Mike,

      Though I don’t know the price, I’m guessing you’ll be in the ballpark.

      I’ll note that, having taken previous versions of Jeff’s course, I have never found ANY of his core strategies available publicly. Like me, he invented what he teaches while he was using the processes himself. He covers basic marketing and product creation for newcomers, but where he shines—hell, where he’s incandescent—is in showing you how he built his own business.

      He is to teaching promotion what I am to teaching fiction writing—he will show you how, rather than tell you how, and will walk you through the doing so that when you’re done, you KNOW how to do it, because you have already done it successfully.

      Finally, while I could go WAY past two indispensable things, I’ll give give two examples of the ones I’ve used that will make this easier for you to see the value.

      I’d done some clinics, but I needed to create a course that would give me a steadier income, that would allow me to build a business that could support me securely while I wrote fiction. I was sure I had a couple winners. I through in some off-the-wall right-brain stuff to pad out the list.

      I came up with a bunch of ideas for them. And I used his Seed Launch to put my ideas in front of the people who were willing to help me figure out what course to do next.

      The weirdest, stupidest, most off-the-wall idea I had, the one I almost didn’t even put on the list because it was, I thought, such a loser, won by a landslide.

      That idea became How To Think Sideways.

      I did a Seed Launch to get to WARPAINT, which I love wildly, which is selling well, and which I didn’t even do a LAUNCH for…just the seed launch to figure out that was the next project.

      So the Seed Launch is the tool for creating work your readers WANT.

      Then there is the process of bringing in YOUR readers, who are unique and not everyone else’s readers. I use this process, which is spread across a number of Jeff’s lessons, for reaching my people—the ones who love what I love and who are most likely to love my books as a result.

      I’ve been really blunt about this. I’m not trying to get everyone to read my novels, and I have worked carefully to make sure that the ones most likely to hate them won’t buy them in the first place.

      I save them money. I save myself the headaches of dealing with people whose company and opinions I don’t enjoy. Pissing people off is something I’ve always been pretty good at.

      For the folks I want to spend time with, though, I’ve learned from Jeff how to make sure I communicate well using all sorts of media, and create things they’ll love. And that is NOT something that has always been easy for me.

      1. Michael M Dickson Avatar
        Michael M Dickson

        Thank you Holly.

        Your email link to Jeff’s course was my first experience with him. Will you be emailing a link to purchase when his course launches today?

        1. Holly Avatar

          Yes. The fourth and final video is going up at 2:00 pm Eastern time, and my email is ready to go out at 2:00 PM. It may take 30 minutes or maybe even more for all of my emails to go out. I’m not the only person promoting Jeff’s course, and a lot of the folks promoting have hundreds of thousands of emails going out (I’m a small fish in a big ocean :D).

          So if I’m queued up behind many of Jeff’s bigger fish, my links will go out later. I would be really grateful if you wait for my link: 1) We’ll both get quicker confirmation that you get my bonus, and 2) we won’t have to resort to the customer service, copying receipts, etc, to get you into the Ugly Classroom.

          I know his classes fill up quickly, but you’ll have time after you receive my link to buy.

          1. Michael M Dickson Avatar
            Michael M Dickson

            I’m happy to wait. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Thanks for everything you do.

  14. Matthias Hoefler Avatar
    Matthias Hoefler


    Some of us won’t be purchasing the whole enchilada. It’s fine you won’t discuss with us “non-buyers” Jeff’s pay-to-see content, but is there a way we could have our own chatroom? To support those who want to try to take the free material and launch using it?

    Thanks so much for all your work. Hang in there!

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Matthias,

      Well, I don’t do chatrooms because they would kill my site bandwidth, and I’m already stretching it pretty tight.

      But I can certainly give you guys a discussion board, with the understanding that I’m already very tightly booked with World Clinic, the Expansion, and the UGLY WORKSHOP, so cannot drop in to do much more than say “Hi” occasionally.

      And that you guys need to take really good notes on what he has up for free, because once it’s gone, it’ll be completely gone.

      1. Johanna Avatar

        I would also love to be a part of that discussion board. I really wish I could afford Jeff’s course, and I’m sure it’s a great investment, but it would be so fiscally irresponsible for me to put $2000 on my credit card right now.

        That being said, I took a lot of notes on the free videos he posted and would be interested in discussing them with others. Particularly how we can use the Seed Launch for fiction books (as opposed to nonfiction/informational). I figure there has to be a way to get a sense of what the audience wants without sacrificing whatever ideas you really loved.

        Also, I want to brainstorm with others about how to get enough traffic to your website for a Seed Launch to even be effective (because I imagine to get feedback, you need actual visitors!).

        I would totally understand that you couldn’t post on the board because you’re crazy busy. I would be content to just trade ideas with other people on the forum.

  15. Selene Avatar

    Do you think Jeff’s course would be worthwhile for those of us going the traditional-publishing route? Is it necessary to have some new fiction about to be released to really take advantage of this?


    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Selene,

      Here’s the deal on promoting your work. You can take me and the results I got by NOT promoting it as world’s most effective negative example.

      I told myself at the beginning of my career that it was my publisher’s job to promote my work. I wrote good books, and I built a good website, but I never used my website to actively promote my work. At the moment, I still don’t.

      After I took Walker’s course, I realized that I could use what he was teaching to help my books sell better.

      So I started putting together a real Jeff Walker-type promotion for my second Moon & Sun book, The Silver Door. Had a thousand dollars set aside to spend on promotion (which you can do amazing things with independently on the Internet—Internet dollars go farther than advertising dollars) , had planned out my whole campaign, let my publisher know what I was doing…

      …And my publisher KILLED the campaign, right then with no quarter given. I was told that, since I was willing to promote, Scholastic would have a publicist get in touch with me to go on a blog tour. I waited, the publicist never got back to me, and The Silver Door, which is a wonderful story, never got off the ground.

      I know that I could have saved that book. Could have got it in front of people who wanted it, could have helped it do better than the first book did. Could have given the whole planned seven-book series wings.

      But no. I looked at a future filled with people who said they loved my books but did nothing to promote them—same as the past–and I ended up saying “hell with ’em” to commercial publishing after 30+ novels. That and the Hawkspar debacle were the reasons I went indie.

      Now I’m FINALLY at the point where I’m doing expansions and additions to existing classes (rather than building brand-new, massive classes), and looking at offering some live workshops for writers, and I’m planning the core of my life around writing fiction again.

      This time, I’m going to know how to promote my fiction, and THIS time, the person who gives a shit about how my books do is going to also be the person who is in charge of seeing that they get promoted. That would be me.

      If you want to publish commercially, you NEED to know what Jeff is teaching, because the only person who gives a shit about your book is you. Commercial authors are disposable. Publishers have no clue about how to promote a new product to an unknown readership. Their philosophy is “Throw enough writers against a wall and some of them will stick.”

      Most don’t. I stuck through more than thirty books, until I decided I was tired of being thrown against walls and walked away before I started hating the thing I love—writing fiction.

      If you want to give yourself a chance of sticking when they throw you, be the person who makes sure you can promote your work in ways that will actually work.

      1. Selene Avatar

        Thanks for the detailed response Holly! I’ve also been thinking along the lines that I need to get going on this myself. However, I’m wondering if I might do better to do this when my book is closer to publication? Traditional publishing isn’t the fasted of businesses, as you know… If I sign up now, I won’t be able to follow along and actually launch a product at this point.

        1. Holly Avatar

          This is an instance where your mileage may vary…but in this instance it will not be by much.

          The absolute WORST time to start promoting your book is after it’s written. And if you’re waiting until it’s actually published, you have missed 99% of all the best opportunities you had to help the people who will love it find it.

          The Seed Launches I talk about with Mike, above, did not just help me create the product. They also helped me find the people who wanted to buy the course and the book, and to connect with them THROUGH the creation of the product and all the way to the launch (though I did that last bit backwards with HTTS).

          You need to be gathering in your future readers now. Need to be setting up the platform from which you’ll hang out with them, from which you’ll build your readership…because if you don’t to this now, where are you going to find the people to buy your book when you’re ready to sell it?

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