Trauma, memory, and my main character – 1283 words

I got some of my favorite words in the series this morning. (1283 of them, in fact.)

My MC (main character) had a BAD morning a couple chapters back, and finally made it back home in this chapter — worse for wear, but not as much so as one would have reason to expect.

She’s discovered — as a lot of us do — that there are things she left in her past that haven’t quite finished with her.

She’d discovered — as a lot of us do — that she isn’t exactly the person she believed herself to be, and as memories catch up with her, she’s realizing that she might not have as much reason to like herself as she thought she did.

Like everyone, she has some monsters in her closet.

Hers just have bigger, pointier teeth than yours or mine.

And at one point way back in her past, one of those monsters might have been her.

And I got to pull in some bits from my own experience on dealing with trauma, and how it catches up with you even years after the fact and shakes you when you’re vulnerable and unprepared.

She’s tough, my MC.

She’d better be. Because I know what’s coming down the road for her over the next couple days of writing, and she doesn’t.

Oh, yes. Because some of my characters tend to eat the way I’m eating at the time, she’s making good use of keto. (Except for the cookies.)


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