Yesterday I took the new HWC school live for existing students, and today Becca and I are going to be working in the help desk fixing accounts.
In theory, anyway. Becca and I have 194 brand new tickets in the help desk (I just counted them in email, and a few of them might be additions to existing tickets, but all of them are NEW), and I’m heading in now to get started on those.
Becca will be along after she’s fed the chickens and the cats and the dogs and probably watered the garden (assuming she isn’t having rain down in Georgia).
My guess is that today and the next few days are going to be long and difficult, because she and I are going to be learning how to fix classes and repair accounts using the brand-new school software for the first time while actually fixing real problems, and we’re going to have to figure this out as we go.
Wish me luck. Hell, wish us both luck. My gut says we’re gonna need it.
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