To hell with FeaturePrice — I’m writing

Trying to get the site working again has consumed me for the past week, and the reality is that in spite of everything, it’s probably going to continue to NOT work for a number of people for the next week, because FeaturePrice, the Host From Hell, continued publishing the DNS address from their servers ever after I took the site away from them and moved to Jatol.

I’ve done what I can to get community members onto the site, and have created a fallback board for those who can’t reach the site or the community, and now, I need to stop worrying about it and get back to work. With that in mind, I’ve done about a third of my words on Midnight Rain so far today.

And I feel better for writing. The thing I love most about the community is the people — the thing I hate most is site administration, and getting things to work. I’ll be glad when the community is up and running for everyone again, and I can get back to hanging out with the people, and just let the administrative details fade into the background like a dismal memory.

Onward — the story awaits.

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