Think Sideways Students: Course Software Upgrade Downtime

The much-awaited and frequently delayed upgrade of the How To Think Sideways classroom and forum software starts on Wednesday.

No one will be able to access ANYTHING on Think Sideways between Wednesday June 10 and (most likely) Friday June 12. No one will be able to sign up for the course during that time, either.

This is a big upgrade that is going to require a block of time when NOTHING is being done to any of the databases, except by us. That’s the reason for the complete shut-down. And while it would be cooler to have this thing done by a team of ten ninjas at three-a.m. on a Sunday, who could all just work until it was done, … well, both Margaret and I have families and sleep addictions, and a Red Bull fueled 24-hour marathon just ain’t gonna happen.

So. If you have a recent lesson you’re going to want, get it now.

If you have a lesson that’ll be delivered during those three days… it’ll be there when we open the doors again.

Expect some rubble.

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6 responses to “Think Sideways Students: Course Software Upgrade Downtime”

  1. Rian Avatar

    I would really like your opinion on something I am writing.
    I need a professional’s opinion and i would like that to be you.
    Love your writing!!
    Email me if you can.
    thanks 🙂

  2. MarFisk Avatar

    Thanks you guys. Don’t worry. Backups will be made, and a revert plan is in place should it go too horribly wrong.

  3. Joan Avatar

    Use 5 hour energy shots instead of red bull – they are B vitamins instead of caffine and sugar. No big crash at the end. So speaks the highway inspector that worked 30 hr shifts before I retired. Take care of yourself and we will patiently wait for you to do what needs to be done. Better that than a scrambled mess trying to maintain two systems at once.

    Take it easy and stay clear headed to avoid massive frustrations.

  4. Michael Lozano Avatar
    Michael Lozano

    Don’t forget to take a backup first!

  5. Texanne Avatar

    Careful of that Red Bull, Holly. Best wishes with the upgrade & we look forward to it.

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