Back to global warming, and the following astonishing article. (Thanks to Jim Woosley for the link) The world has never seen such freezing heat
I was reading comments on one other article about global warming—in which the sad state of the global warmists increasingly frayed argument was being discussed—and one snarky young thing said, “It isn’t global warming anymore, you idiots, it’s the Global Climate Crisis!”
‘Scuse me?
We have three options here.
Option One is that the world is faced with dangerous overheating, which would be proven by steadily rising temperatures worldwide, steadily decreasing glaciation worldwide, and steadily rising sea levels worldwide. We do not have that triad in place—for every location that has warmer temps, there’s another with colder temps, and the falling average temperature the past couple of years makes global warming a hard sell.
Oh, and we would also have worse hurricanes every year than the year before. I’ll pause while you consider the hurricane seasons of the past couple of years.
The “global warming is caused by humans theory”, if true, would show a measurable, steady increase in temperatures, dangerous weather, and rising sea levels everywhere, all the time. Increases would necessarily be small, but they would be observable.
We do not have this.
Option Two is that NOW the world is faced by dangerous overcooling, which would be proven by steadily falling temperatures worldwide, steadily expanding glaciation worldwide, and steadily falling sea levels worldwide. We don’t have THAT triad in place either.
Again, for it to be true, we would see small, incremental, MEASURABLE changes everywhere.
So I’m going to define Option Three for you now, since the folks selling the panic phrase Global Climate Crisis fail to define this crisis.
Option Three—Global Climate Crisis—means that we will have rising temperatures around the world, followed by falling temperatures around the world—all going on at the same time—with storm systems, hurricanes, tornadoes and so on happening somewhere all the time. The ice caps and glaciers will expand, and then retreat, and then expand, and then RETREAT!!!! (Oh, God, whatever shall we do?)
The other name for the Global Climate Crisis?
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Here’s everything else I’ve written on this particular subject.
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