THE WRITING CRAFT–Votes in, tallied, and studied

I had a dickens of a time figuring out a way to get the survey results for THE WRITING CRAFT up in any usable, readable format.

So you can download the PDF and take a look, or open it directly and read it here.

871 people voted. I’m still analyzing all the comments, but for the courses I was already planning, a lot did not make the cut, and some are debatable.

You can take a look at the votes per module (based on the question) and see if there’s anything that’s in there that you personally really wanted.

Your comments are welcome.

THE PDF FILE (Right-Click to open without downloading).

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3 responses to “THE WRITING CRAFT–Votes in, tallied, and studied”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Zette, you’re reading it right. That’s why I ask questions. The things I assume people know and the things I assume they’ll want to know generally bear very little semblance to reality.

    Diane—I have polls up at now to get more detail on which of these to do and which to trash. And again, the results so far are not what I would have guessed.

  2. djmills Avatar

    I think “Doing The Work” is a symptom of not understanding all the rest in the list, because if they understood the rest then the words would flow. I also think that your “Will Do”, “May Do”, and “Will Consider” will be grabbed by all of us who already have your clinics and other teaching aids. The “Out Unless Debated” could be used for writing practice and the examples critiqued in WriterCrashTests.

  3. zette Avatar

    Am I reading this right… that actually doing the work got the most votes? How odd. I guess I can understand it on one level, but… well, I would not have expected it to get the most votes.

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