The Writing Clinics on Kindle and Nook

I am delighted to announce that I now can offer most of the Writing Clinics for both Kindle and Nook. (I’m working on making them available in Apple’s iBooks, too, but it takes longer.)

You can now buy the following writing clinics for your Kindle or your Nook, (or as gifts for the Kindle-or-Nook-enabled writer in your life):

Holly Lisle’s Create A Plot Clinic


Holly LIsle’s Create A Language Clinic


Holly Lisle’s Create A Culture Clinic


Holly Lisle’s How To Write Page-Turning Scenes


The easiest way to find them if you’re buying for yourself is simply to open up your Kindle or your Nook and search my name.

But if you want to get these for someone else (or if you loved them and got something good out of them and would like to write a review), you can reach them directly from the links above.

And if loved one or more of the clinics, please take a moment to write a review on Amazon.

Why reviewing the courses matters

Sales of the writing courses on the three big digital platforms are part of what is going to be funding REBEL TALES, and the more writers who can find them to buy them, the better chance REBEL TALES has of meeting its budget and staying alive.

Reviews are CRITICAL on Amazon.

I hope you enjoy these. The next two to go up will be Character Clinic, which is undergoing a rewrite and upgrade, and World Clinic, which is back on by CURRENT PROJECTS list.


You’ll notice that these are beautifully done Kindle and Nook editions. Kimberly Hitchens of did the conversions, and they’re gorgeous. If you want to get your own work online and you want your work to look as good as anything the big publisher put out (and better than most, frankly), she’s the person to go to.

And any errors that remain are mine.


Why the MOBI and ePub versions will not be available as downloads from my site.

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17 responses to “The Writing Clinics on Kindle and Nook”

  1. Kristen Avatar

    Will the Kindle versions be available for people who previously bought the PDF versions? I’ve bought all the clinics, How to Write Page-Turning Scenes, How to Find Your Writing Discipline, and a handful of your other courses in PDF format over the past few years. I’d love to have them in Kindle format instead.

    Someday I’d love to be able to download the How to Think Sideways course in Kindle format too. I refer back to those PDF files quite often.

    I think it’s fantastic to see all these courses coming out in Kindle format. I know a lot of writers who are getting Kindles for Christmas and will be looking to fill their new gadgets with cool and helpful writerly stuff. As always, Holly, you are the most awesome of authors! 🙂

  2. Ren E. Avatar
    Ren E.

    The links to the Nook version of the Culture and Language courses lead directly to Amazon instead of B&N’s site (which is odd, because the text SAYS it links to B&N). The Scenes and Plot links work for the nook as they should.

  3. PolarBear Avatar

    FWIW, if you make the epub docs available somewhere, they can be imported to iBooks — but I understand the comment one commenter made about people being reluctant to purchase from a smaller e-tailer.

    For those without Kindles, remember Amazon has free apps for most devices — PCs, Macs, Androids, iPhones, iPads, and probably a few I’m not thinking of right now. Barnes and Noble does the same for their nook. I happen to choose to read all that stuff on my iPad, and I love having everything at my fingertips.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Polar Bear—I have the epubs set up and ready to go, the ISBN numbers in place for that version (iBooks requires them) and my account created at iTunes Connect. All I’m waiting on is for the Magic Button of Uploading to appear in my account and these puppies will be online. Unfortunately, I’ve now been waiting about 2-3 weeks for the appearance of the Magic Button.

      I’ll get them up there. I’m just not sure when.

  4. Craig Avatar

    This is great. Although I have neither a Kindle nor a Nook, I do have the Nook app on my Android phone. It is also great to hear that the World Clinic is back in the active list.

    Heck, it’s great that you are back in the active list!

  5. Deb Avatar

    Holly, I am excited to hear these are available now. I’d love to have them on my kindle, but will it be necessary to repurchase them if you have already bought them as a PDF?

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Deb. Yes, it will.

      This is the hardcover-paperback issue. I used to buy books all the time in hardcover because I wanted to read them when they came out. I’d then buy a paperback version because I wanted to re-read them, and didn’t want to lug around the hardcover.

      With the stuff from the shop, you get immediate availability, and in most cases exclusivity. With Kindle, you get convenience.

      However, because of Kindle’s punitive payment structure for products priced over $9.99, I won’t be taking most of what I’ve done to Kindle—including courses like Think Sideways and How To Revise Your Novel. It’s a shame, because I love my Kindle and would love to have everything I’ve done on it. But unless Amazon changes its policy—and I DON’T see that happening—my fiction will get there, and my small writing courses will, but nothing else.

      1. Holly Avatar

        I also need to explain WHY the Kindle/epub versions will not be available on my site.

        Some of my customers have seen fit to BitTorrent the PDF versions of the Clinics, and this creates a huge headache for me. The theft of what I’ve created is one issue, but not one I can do anything about. The other issue, though, is that I have to fight with every site I discover that is carrying my stolen work in order to get my work removed. In order to preserve my copyright, I must continually prove that I am taking the steps necessary to preserve my copyright. This takes time. It’s frustrating. It distracts me from the work I WANT to do, namely writing.

        The vast, VAST majority of my students are honest. Unfortunately, digital technology being what it is, it only take ONE thief to spread my work across these sites. And since by going through the big services, I have a much better chance of not having my work stolen and not creating more headaches for myself dealing with the people who enable thieves, I’ve decided this is the path I’m going to take this time.

        1. Jason Penney Avatar

          Bummer. I was hoping you’d have epubs.

          I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m disapointed.

        2. Beth Avatar

          I have the kindle app installed on my laptop. If this contributes to the theft of your work, let me know and it will be gone ASAP. As an aspiring writer, I know how much it means to make sure all of your work is attributed to you.

  6. WandersNowhere Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    Will the updated versions be available for people who bought them as PDFs, but might not necessarily have a kindle? ^^

    And also, if we bought the clinics from you, and not from Amazon, will it cause any trouble to post a review? I’d like to put one up, because your clinics are bloody amazing.

    1. Holly Avatar

      The updated versions will be available for the folks who bought the PDFs. You’ll be able to log in and just download them.

      I did tiny edits on Plot, Scenes, and Language, but nothing substantive. Essentially, I found more typos and fixed them. So these will wait for bigger changes before getting an upgrade. I made a biggish change in my thought processes defining culture in Culture, and that is small, but substantive, so I’ll be putting up a revised version of the shop for that soon, and sending out an e-mail to let folks know the revised version is available.

      Character Clinic is getting a serious overhaul. It needed it. That isn’t going to the big sellers or into the shop until I’m happy with it.

      1. Wanders Nowhere Avatar

        Thanks Holly!

        Wonderful news, I’m looking forward to this, especially the Create a World clinic!

        Is it possible to post a review on Amazon without having purchased the Kindle version, or will that cause trouble? I have all of the current workshops in PDF from your site.

        1. Holly Avatar

          I did not know the answer to this before, but do now. Yes, you can post a review mentioning that you purchased a previous version. (Or not mentioning your version at all. I note that one reviewer did.)

  7. Laura Avatar

    Just an FYI – You have an incorrect link for the Kindle edition of the culture clinic.

    I’m glad to see you do this. I’ve recommended your clinics to several people but they’ve been hesitant to purchase from a small storefront. They’re very distrustful (for good reason) of third party credit card processing. Pay Pal in particular is one they avoid. For some reason they trust Amazon more though I don’t really understand why. Their security isn’t really that much better than most other places.

    I suspect you will see an increase in sales now.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Thank you. Have fixed the Kindle Culture Clinic link.

      1. Holly Avatar

        Have fixed the Kindle Culture Clinic link TWICE. This time I got it right.

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