The Wishbone Conspiracy: I discover Tangerine’s real name

Tangerine got himself in some hot water with Cady today — he’s a clever chap who did some deep digging, and found out a bit of her past he would have been better off not knowing.

But during what turned into an awkward encounter between the two of them, I learned both his original real name and his “grew up and legally changed my name” name.

Original first name?

Furball. (His mother had some serious issues.)

Grown up, changed real name?

Keff Ronin.

Keff is having a much worse day than he anticipated. But it will get better.

Because when all is said and done, he’s one of the good guys. It’s just a bit hard to tell that at the moment. He hasn’t yet done a good job of proving it.

2116 words today — took a while, but I’m happy with what I got.

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