My red head dropped her bomb tonight, allowing me to sliver a bit of backstory and foreshadowing into a nice dialogue scene.
And exactly 600 words later, she was out the door and on her way out of the country.
I’ve run out of new scenes. I’m back now to the original beginning, and I’m going to end up spending the next couple of days doing a quickie index card replot of each of the scenes I’ve written. I don’t want to mess with the words or any editing yet—that’s a sure way to get bogged down and screw up my progress.
So my wordcount for tomorrow and Tuesday is likely to be zero in the ‘real words’ department. If I can rethink what comes so that I don’t end up tossing 25,000 words into the can, though, it’ll be worth it.
Word count tonight: 600
Plus three words that I love enough to claim as the book’s real title. Not going to post it, though. I need to see if the story keeps growing into it.
How’s your story coming along?
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