I had no clue what I was going to write today.
I knew that yesterday I’d pulled well away from my line-for-scene outline, getting something better by far than the story sentence I’d written… but I had no clue what was going to happen next.
I had the advantage of having the perfect ending for this book already written, and already moved into position at the very end.
So I just asked myself, “What has to happen now to get me from where I left things yesterday to where things end up… including that perfect last line for the mid-point novel?
And what came was scary, and dark, and dangerous, and completely unexpected, torn from memories of my MC’s grandmother that “T” has been dragging around since childhood — memories that came together with an artifact that is going to have to be retrofitted into Book 1 in the five-book one-pass revision…
But… DAMN.
Talk about adventure.
And I’m only halfway through the scene. Getting out the other end of it is going to be bloody.
But that’s tomorrow. 😀
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