The Theme Is Temporary

I’ve installed Spam Karma because I’m sick of moderating the fifty or so spam posts I’m getting every day. Spam Karma is not compatible with my homemade theme. I don’t like the current theme, so I’ll put a new one together shortly. For now, this keeps the weblog online.

Added later: Actually, after I put Spam Karma in and ran it, I found a couple thousand spams inserted as trackbacks into posts both old and new. Lovely. They are all gone now.

I’m testing themes briefly. Theme designers seem to love teeny-tiny print and low contrast. I prefer larger print and high contrast. This is a problem.

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6 responses to “The Theme Is Temporary”

  1. Bonnie Avatar

    Have you tried Alex King’s WordPress theme browser? It’s here:

    There are lots of wonderful themes to look through.

  2. Monica Avatar

    Blink. Blink. What a change!

    I’ve had problems with WP 2.0, fairly minor ones tho’ that they say they’ve fixed with WP 2.01. I LOVE the WP Askimet plugin for spam! (Comes preloaded). I could do away with my captcha (typing in the numbers to comment) and it still catches all the wicked spam.

  3. Aergonaut Avatar

    You may consider upgrading to WordPress 2 which comes with a some very advanced spam protection. Also, the admin area is a lot nice to look at and gives you a WYSIWYG editor.

    I’m also relatively sure that WP2 would work with your old template as nothing new has been done to the template engine.

  4. arainsb123 Avatar

    The orange was a shock at first, but it’s not ugly — although I hate it when templates only use part of the screen.

    And my comments were so overloaded with spam that I took them down altogether. I did not want to wade through comment after comment about teen hentai every single day.

  5. Gabriele Avatar

    Wow, that’s a lot of spam.

    Have fun playing with the template. I can read this one well enough, but I can see why you want a larger script, I prefer them as well.

  6. slpenney Avatar

    I use Haloscan on my blog and seldom have comment or trackback spam. It requires adding coding to your template, but well worth it, IMHO.

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