I’m back following a parathyroidectomy and a couple days recovery.
I’m tired, my neck is a bit swollen still and kind of sore, I’m bruised (I’m an easy bruiser, though).
And I am happily rid of one thumb-above-the-distal-joint-sized parathyroid tumor that was between twelve and fifteen years old when Drs. Norman, Boone, and Parrack removed it in a fifteen-ish minute outpatient operation that stopped it from sucking the life out of me. The picture above is clickable if you want to see the thing as close to life-sized as I could make it.
I’m still recovering, and still tired (that thing had been growing for a long time), but I’m putting this up now because this is a big damn deal.
I developed the tumor when I was in my early forties. They happen in people a lot younger. They’re more common in people my age and twice as common in women.
- The fact that the one above was messing with me for perhaps fifteen years is probably part of why I have tongue dysplasia.
- Why I had bone pain in shoulders, elbows, spine, knees, and right heel.
- Why I had gastric reflux.
- Why I felt tired all the time.
- Why I couldn’t sleep at night.
- Why my heart would often start racing for no apparent reason.
- Why my hair was thinning in the front.
- Why my blood calcium was sky high and my vitamin D was the lowest the OB/GYN who saw me had “ever seen in a live human being” — it was 4.
- It’s almost certainly the cause of all the damn headaches, including the icepick migraines.
- It could have been the cause of both miscarriages.
- And maybe some other things.
I’ll have to have my bone density tested in a couple weeks, but considering the screaming amount of calcium that tumor was pulling out of my bones, I’m not betting they’re in great shape right now.
Why do I think this?
These are all things parathyroid tumors can do. And I already have early evidence that, with that damn thing removed, I’m recovering.
The bone pain went away within a couple hours of the surgery and hasn’t been back, and the headaches went away after the last effects of the anesthesia wore off.
So I’m going to send you to the website that I found, which is where I also went to have the surgery done.
Go to the front page, watch the video, and even if nothing on the page applies to you now, remember the symptoms. This is something a BUNCH of doctors didn’t catch, and it could have killed me.
Considering the dysplasia, I’m not out of the woods yet, but I intend to get there.
But you… make sure that you’re the person who knows what to look for so you can help yourself, or someone you love. ‘Cause…
Tiny, simple, FAST surgery.
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