The state of the revision of THE SELLING OF SUZEE DELIGHT

Tales from The Longview, Episode 2: The Selling of Suzee Delight
Tales from The Longview, Episode 2: The Selling of Suzee Delight

I did my first editor’s revision. Added a bunch of words to the story.

In the first revision, I nailed the ending, but screwed up one big character issue while fixing a problem from the first revision.

Am doing the second editor’s revision today.

After that, assuming Matt’s third read of the story gets me a green light, the story will go to my copyeditor, and then I’ll put it out in print.

When it goes live, I’ll be about ready to start Module 2 of the HOW TO WRITE A SERIES EXPANSION.

As of this minute, the story stands at 27,102 words. (Out of 20,000 planned. Yeah. I’m over, and at this point pushing from 25% over to 33% over.)

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3 responses to “The state of the revision of THE SELLING OF SUZEE DELIGHT”

  1. Margaret Avatar

    This is one advantage of being your own publisher. You can write the story as it needs to be. Yes, you’re over word count, but if those are necessary words, you can decide to keep them :).

  2. Claudette Avatar

    Glad to hear about the progress so far, Holly. As for over, mine is nearly 20K over and I haven’t started cutting yet. Life had slammed me big time in the revision dept. But I’m glad someone is getting theirs done and ready for the copyeditor. Hope it goes live soon. Can hardly wait to read the final version.

  3. Jessie Haynes Avatar

    Much woo, much hoo! So excited about this, and about the HTWAS module 2 🙂

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