The Secret Writing Class is finished… except for bonus course…

Yesterday I finished the final lesson on the new writing course.

So I’m taking today off, and relaxing. I’ll be thinking about the bonus course. I have several ideas, and I’ll be digging through the forum for additional ideas.

I have a specific topic — Big Course… Bonus Brainstorming — and if you’re a member (membership is free), just log into the forum and let me know what’s on you wish list for a short course you’d like to get as the bonus for the NEW class when it goes live — something that would help YOU.

If you’re not a member yet, you get a free class when you join, and there is NO membership fee EVER.

You can buy classes, or you can just use the free one, and hang out in the forums and write fiction, and talk about writing fiction. Member Updates

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2 responses to “The Secret Writing Class is finished… except for bonus course…”

  1. Larry Avatar

    Hi, Holly. What’s The Secret Writing Class about? I’ve looked all around on your site but haven’t found any detailed info. I saw your name mentioned elsewhere. Someone stated that you have taught a course on organized note-taking. So, I visited your site.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Oliver.

      This is Rebecca, Holly’s daughter. I am sorry to have to write this, but unfortunately Holly died of complications due to cancer on August 27th. If you have access to the forums, you can see the full post here:

      As far as The Secret Writing Class, it will be revised and published. We are not speaking about what it was, because she wanted to keep it a secret until she’d published it. We’re honoring that joy and excitement and anticipation she had for it.

      I don’t know who told you she had taught a course on organized note-taking, but that was 10,000% not true and not something Holly would do. She wasn’t really an organized note-taker, ha.

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