The Past of the Moon & Sun World Comes Alive

Today I got to see the Wizards’ War as it happened, right along with Genna, Catri, and the mysterious boy. It took me by surprise–I hadn’t planned anything of the sort for the scene, or for the book, for that matter, but it flowed so beautifully, and so sadly, with the fall of humanity and the rise of the nightlings sketched out in a quick handful of images.

Catri got herself in the sort of trouble that could get her branded and banned from her village, and Genna has enforced a secret that is going to prove even more dangerous for her. The cat has taken an immediate and shocking dislike to the boy. I haven’t yet found out why.

Good writing day, 2,249 words that flew and moved the story forward in some surprising ways.

I want to live in the time of the Sun Wizards. Until it died, it looked like such fun.

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6 responses to “The Past of the Moon & Sun World Comes Alive”

  1. Liz Avatar

    If you haven’t seen it, the Hawkspar cover is up on Amazon. I like the Ruby Key art better.

    But pre-ordering both at once, with free shipping, is exactly $30! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Gabriele Avatar

    You better trust that cat. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Chassit Avatar

    I can’t wait to read The Ruby Key and this new one! This series has absolutely fantastic!

  4. Jess Avatar

    I’m really looking forward to The Ruby Key in May!!

    And that IS fun. The past couple days have been like that for me, only with smaller word counts because I *have* to stop writing when my lunch break is over, no matter how involved I am.

    And uh, Holly… I don’t care how cool a world is, if you have to preface it with “until it died”, you just haven’t sold me on buying any real estate. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. CrimsonNightmare Avatar

    Scenes where it just kind of plays itself out with you in the backseat are generally pretty remarkable, I’ve had some do that and it’s always fun to see. Helps keep writing fun.

  6. D.RobertPease Avatar

    I absolutely love when this happens. To me there is no bigger thrill in writing than to have the story write itself, as if you are just a bystander jotting it all down. What a wonderful thing the human mind.

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