The Month 5 How to Think Sideways Movie

I’m particularly happy with the way this one turned out. And it’s shorter than some of the other ones. So I’ve included the whole thing here. 😀

P.S. DO NOT send me e-mails about how great the Atkins diet is. I did Atkins when I was about 24–after I’d had my first kid–for about seven months. I lost a lot of weight. I looked great. I also developed persistent tachycardia, PVCs (premature ventricular contractions—a heart irregularity NOT normal or benign in a healthy 24-year-old physically active RN), and intermittent dizziness and fainting. When I speak of Atkins dieters, I speak from experience, and the joke was on me.

The health problems, by the way, cleared up when I stopped doing that to myself.

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3 responses to “The Month 5 How to Think Sideways Movie”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Yeah. Atkins. Corrected the spelling error in the transcript, but blew it in the movie. And a re-do at this point in my life is out of the question.

  2. klharrds Avatar

    Do you means Atkins?

  3. MarFisk Avatar

    Well, since you put it here, I cheated and skipped ahead. This is my favorite of all the movies so far. No only is it sweet and to the point, but your vocal inflection is wonderful :).

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