FIRST… I’m still waiting to hear from ReadForU.
SECOND… Evil Empire has declined the physical prize due to lack of space (so will get a non-physical prize of comparable value, if desired, and will go back into the drawing pool if no prize is wanted at this time).
So there will be at least one prize that is re-drawn.
One of my three Confirms who wants the prize read the announcement while tired after a very long day at work, and forgot to send a mailing address. All mailings will wait for me to receive that address, plus confirmation or decline from ReadForU, plus redrawing for the either one or two books that are not claimed.
ReadForU has until 11:59 PM ET on June 20th to claim the prize via email.
I’ll check my email the following morning if I have not heard by then.
Either way, redrawing for the prize or prizes will take place Friday, June 21st at 10 AM ET, and new winner(s) from the pool of funders eligible at the time of the first drawing only will be announced.
Prizes will go out when I have all of them chosen and confirmed, have all mailing addresses, and have them packed and posted to go out — probably by regular mail.
This isn’t the fastest process in the world, but we’ll get there.
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