The Emerald Sun: In the hills before trouble

Got 1017 words on The Emerald Sun today, my best day so far.

Genna had a revelation just a few minutes ago — she got herself and the other kids out of danger just in the nick of time… but danger is following along in their wake, and danger is waiting ahead.

And that’s where I ran out of time in the writing, because now I have to move on to How to Write a Novel, Lesson 25.

The fact that my Muse does this to me regularly — running me up to a cliffhanger right at the point where I have to stop — is both kind of mean, and kind of helpful.

Because I really want to know what it is that she just figured out that she was getting ready to tell me. And I’ll be eager to show up and get my words tomorrow morning so I can find out.


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2 responses to “The Emerald Sun: In the hills before trouble”

  1. Annabell Avatar

    Still so terribly sad that this is how it seems to end. It’s been 20 years now and I’m so sad that you never completed this book series for the fans. I’ve been on your site commenting since I was in 6th grade and I’m so disappointed we will never see what happens.

    This book was (the Ruby key) was my favorite. My mother got very sick when I was young and I really clung to this story of Genna and Dan. I read the books aloud to my mother, still alive but still bedridden. She asks sometimes still if the last book has come out because she loved me reading to her.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hi, Annabell,

      Holly died on August 27th of this year. If you wish to blame anyone for third book not existing, please blame Scholastic for canceling the series. Writing was Holly’s job – if she didn’t do it, bills went unpaid, children went unfed. Scholastic retained the rights for a very long time. By the time Holly had the rights, she had to also work on a website, courses and other fiction, all just so she could keep the lights on. In an ideal world, you would have grown up with this trilogy completed.

      Last year, Holly gave this series to another author, Katharina Gerlach (you can learn more about her at If you’re invested in the Moon & Sun series enough to leave comments for 20 years, I’m very sure you’d be happy to have the series continued, Holly or not. The link to sign up for updates and release information is here:

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