The discovery of a beloved grandmother’s legacy

I was not expecting what happened to day. It wasn’t the sentence for this chapter in my life-for-scene outline — I had to write a new LFS sentence just to make sure it wouldn’t break the book when I started writing. But reworking the outline was definitely the right thing.

Along with meeting someone whose going to become increasingly important as the series goes on, my main character discovered that she only ever knew a very small part of who her grandmother had been.

Today, she discovered that one of the secrets hidden in the house she inherited had been sitting out in plain sight since she was a little kid…

And it’s still sitting there, waiting exactly where she left it.

And she’s now finished meeting the guy I’ve been waiting to introduce to her for two-and-a-half books. 

Their meeting didn’t go at all the way I expected.

It went better.


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2 responses to “The discovery of a beloved grandmother’s legacy”

  1. Mike Lucas Avatar

    I can tell your right brain was on fire, and in control, today. Because there are a couple of “aural spelling” typos in your blog post (to day / today, whose / who’s). And I’m not criticizing at all — I find I do that too in forum or blog posts as well as private journal entries, and actual writing, whenever I’m REALLY inspired. 🙂

    You were the one who taught me the Muse tends to spell by sound, and it’s a neat thing to notice when you start doing it yourself!

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      Yup. That’s how it goes. (And congrats on finding yourself there, too. It’s a good sign, even if it makes editing a pain in the ass.)

      Editor Brain can spell, Muse Brain can create, and when Muse Brain goes faster that Editor Brain can keep up with, my spelling and punctuation go straight to shit.

      My fingers can barely keep up with my fiction when the story is coming to me at a reasonable pace. When everything starts coming at me in a blur… oh, boy!

      But I’ll take it. In first draft, I’d rather get the ideas right than the spelling.

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