The Arhel Trilogy Covers

Today, I did the covers for the Arhel Trilogy.

Fire in the Mist

BOOK I: Fire in the Mist: Compton Crook Award Winner "Best First Novel"
BOOK I: Fire in the Mist: Compton Crook Award Winner “Best First Novel”

Bones of the Past

BOOK II: Bones of the Past
BOOK II: Bones of the Past

Mind of the Magic

BOOK III: Mind of the Magic
BOOK III: Mind of the Magic

I wanted something striking but simple for these books—and I wanted the central images to be meaningful. So I went with Ariss, the keyu, and a dragon. The toughest part of these was coming up with an appropriate title design and name layout without getting too friggin’ frou-frou with the font. And I still wanted that touch of gold to tie these together subliminally with the suspense stuff.

I’ll probably have something in that gold on every cover…though it might be very slight.

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10 responses to “The Arhel Trilogy Covers”

  1. Lewinna Avatar

    Oh very lovely ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the little border designs. Are you going to have these for print-on-demand as well as ebooks?

    I’ve just been reading your book ‘Talyn’. Oh my God it is scary. Really scary. Reminds me of my unfortunate dabbles with sorcerers and tantrics. Oh scary. Nice job though. SCARY. O_O Too close to home for me…. some of the darker stuff kinda reminds me of a novel I wrote during that time in my life. That novel got put away…. too scary for me.

  2. Justin Avatar

    Is there any chance we’ll see paper reprints of these like the first Cady novel through Lulu? My well-loved Baen paperback copies have seen better days. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for your time.

  3. klharrds Avatar

    Nice covers. I havent read this series of yours and am really looking forward to it coming out.

    btw – I’m not sure where you are in the US anymore, but keep your head down from Irene if she comes your way.

  4. Sue Santore Avatar

    I do like those covers. The clean simplicity will look good in thumbnail size on Amazon.

  5. Kathleen Avatar

    Ditto TerriAnn — these are great covers.

  6. TerriAnn Gill Avatar

    I like these covers alot. I hate the comic book quality to many fantasy book covers I’ve seen. And these are thankfully lacking that. I totally love the celtic design the covers are framed with. Great job Holly!

  7. WandersNowhere Avatar

    Ooh. Ooh. Ooohhhhh. Yes. I like this a LOT. I’m leaning a lot more toward finding covers that have something elegant and symbolic of the story appealing (vs ‘generic fantasy hero on a hill with a dragon in the background’) and with something like this, you can identify the trilogy instantly. Bravo ๐Ÿ˜€

    How do you do the central images, Holly? Do you draw them out yourself?

    1. Holly Avatar

      I haven’t had the time to do any drawing in ages. I get all my images from

      I do a lot of work on them once I get them. For example, in the Ariss example (Fire in the Mist) I took two little vector images of castles, made multiple versions of them, flipped them in different directions, and stacked them into a fortified city on a tall hill. ๐Ÿ˜€

      But so far, every single image on every single cover has come from BigStock.

      The text and separators (gold circles, gold squares, stuff like that) I do myself with ArtText.

      1. WandersNowhere Avatar

        Clever way to do it, and it came out very well. And the font’s clean and readable, which beats out some published books where you can’t even read the title at a glance.

        P.S If you’re ever pressed for time and in need of painting-style digital art (though I’m sure you’ve got plenty of this kind of contacts already) let me know. I don’t have credentials but I do have examples and I’d be willing to come out of retirement to help you ^^

  8. Stephanie Black Avatar

    These covers are sleek and sophisticated, I like them!

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