The Air Force Kid is back from Afghanistan

After a very bad one-year deployment in Afghanistan, my kid is is back in the States, and on his way home to see us.

I am closing EVERYTHING until he has to go back to work, and I will not be available during this time to read e-mail, check student support/customer service, or deal with any other issues. During the next two weeks, I will not be doing the Walkthrough, writing the novel, or anything else.

I’m checking to see if Margaret can cover for me during this time, but if she can’t, I’ll take care of whatever goes wrong when I get back.

If you have a problem with a class, course, or product, go to and create a support ticket. If Margaret can cover for me, you’ll get a reply as quickly as she’s able. If she can’t, it’s going to be October 10th (or 11th, depending on how much I find waiting for me in there) before you hear ANYTHING. Please be patient. I’ll be back when I’m able, but this is my kid, and I’m not apologizing for needing this time.

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150 responses to “The Air Force Kid is back from Afghanistan”

  1. Rebecca Johnson Avatar
    Rebecca Johnson

    Totally awesome! I echo other posts in thanking your son for his tremendous service in keeping our country safe. Family first – never needs apology or explanation. Just “Family First”. I truly hope your migranes were eased sufficiently that you’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute together.

  2. AfghanistanIsNotAGroovyPlaceKid (AirForceKid) Avatar
    AfghanistanIsNotAGroovyPlaceKid (AirForceKid)

    Wow, my Mom wasn’t kidding. This is a lot of people. Thanks to everyone for the well-wishing and the service support and for being so understanding that I’m home and wanted to see my parents and little (Lurch) brother. (Seriously, he’s grown several feet since I left, he’s now taller Zhao Liang but Mom refuses to have his freak-of-nature pituitary gland removed!) This really means a lot to me, thank you.

    PS- Walter Spence; Jesus, Sir, I read like, the ENTIRETY of ElfQuest at your friggin’ house! I think we’re friends on Facebook, but I never check that thing. Good to hear from you!

  3. Marsha Prescod Avatar

    I’m over here in the UK, and I’m the Mum of a 21 year old son.
    Sending both of you lots of virtual hugs! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Robert Santa Maria Avatar
    Robert Santa Maria

    Continued prayers for you and your son and all those who serve (they also serve who stand and wait). Tell him to enjoy Stateside and to be thankful for a Mom who puts him before all else; as we are grateful for her son who has put himself in harms way for us.

    Bless you both.


  5. Jim Hahn Avatar
    Jim Hahn

    Our hearts, gratitude and joy are with you and your family Holly. Our best to your son. Please tell him “Thank you!”

  6. Tami Avatar

    Let your son know that we praise God for men like him and enjoy your time together.

  7. Denise S Avatar

    Such wonderful news!
    I’m so happy for you and your family. God bless you all and enjoy your time together.
    And thank you for the sacrifices your family has made for us all.

  8. Shirley Wine Avatar

    Enjoy your time with your son. I would sell my soul (almost) to have even ten minutes with my boys again. Sadly I know that will never happen this side of heaven so enjoy this precious time with a glad heart .

  9. Amazingrace Avatar

    Enjoy this time with your Air Force Kid – we can wait.

  10. Leigh D'Ansey Avatar

    Spend time with your kid and love every moment.

  11. Jordin Avatar

    Hey, Holly. Definitely give my thanks to your son. My boyfriend is in the Marines, and he’s coming home in December. I completely agree with dropping everything else to spend time with him. I’m going to do the same when Richie gets back. Thanks also for your lovely teaching. Reading your how-to books really helps my writing and gives me inspiration. I hope you have a good time while he’s home. Be safe in all that you do. ((And I especially enjoyed last week’s writing tip that I got in my email. Very, very helpful.))
    Stay safe!


  12. Dee Avatar

    Agreeing with everyone else- no apologies needed! I’m glad to here you will get time to spend as a family unit again. Enjoy it, and we’ll all be happy for you!

  13. Megan Avatar

    He’s going to be different. In most cases, it’ll wear off – but it’ll take time. Take it slow – no big events, no scheduling every moment of his time. No forcing anything, especially anything where he needs to be who he was (like large family reunions). If he’s not quite him, that’s normal, and worrying about it or picking on him to open up will not help. Just be there, and let him just be there. Let him drive his recovery – it’s like any form of recovery: only the person themselves can do it, no matter how much their loved ones want to do it for them.
    Best Wishes,
    SSG Nater, U.S. Army

  14. TerriAnn Gill Avatar

    Thank you to your son for his service. I hope he has returned home safe and sound in body and mind. Enjoy some quality family time with him.
    All the best,
    TerriAnn Gill

  15. Walter Spence Avatar
    Walter Spence

    Will try this again, did not seem to take last time. Please give him my best, and I hope you all have a great time.

  16. Elizabeth Smith Avatar
    Elizabeth Smith

    Thank you, Holly’s “kid” for everything you do! Holly have fun with your son. We’ll try not to cause too much trouble while you are gone. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Rebecca Anne Avatar
    Rebecca Anne

    Holly I am really glad that your son as come home from Afghanistan to you safe and sound. You are doing the right thing spending time with your son who is a hero doing a job that I can’t do God bless him and his patriotism!

  18. Angela Knight Avatar

    Holly, congratulations on you son’s safe homecoming. Please convey my gratitude to him for his hard work and sacrifice for our country. And let me add my thanks to you, for letting him go. (Assuming you could have stopped him.) I know it couldn’t be easy, as I have a son myself, and I know how painful it must have been to worry about him. Do enjoy your time with him, and I hope you have a wonderful vacation from all of us lunatics.
    Angela Knight

  19. Lyyda Avatar

    Go for it girl!!! Don’t look back.
    {{HUGS}} for you, son, daughter and all you deem near and dear.

  20. Steve Avatar

    Thank you AND your kid!!!!
    Mine is on his way for a second tour.

  21. Cindi Avatar

    Now is a time for celebrating, not apologizing. Take the time and kudos to you for knowing the difference between the glass balls and the rubber ones. Tell him thank you from my family and take as much time as you can get.

  22. Mary Kennedy Avatar
    Mary Kennedy

    So happy for you and your family! Thank your son for his service and thank God for his safe return! My family currently have two servicemen in Afghanistan so we know what you’ve been through. So enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  23. Aeryn Avatar

    Hi Holly,

    So glad to hear your son is safe. Don’t apologise for being able to finally spend some time with him!

  24. Connie Wood Avatar

    I am glad your son has returned to you safely.
    Enjoy your time together and I hope peace and prosperity reign for you and yours.
    Connie Wood

  25. DaltonLynne Avatar

    How wonderful! Have a great time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Wayne Meherg Avatar
    Wayne Meherg

    A very heart felt thank you for your sacrifice and many more thanks to your son for his service. Words will never be able to show the depths of your sacrifice or his service. Know that both are greatly appreciated.

  27. Nancy Avatar

    It’s just the best to know you’re with your son at such an important time. I’m so glad for you both.

  28. Nan Roberts Avatar
    Nan Roberts

    Yay!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!
    God bless all of you, and I’m so glad your son is home safe.

  29. Maria Avatar

    You keep encouraging us to write about what matters, and to live accordingly. What could be more important now than spending time with your son?
    Good that you don’t apologise – because no apologies are needed ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    May you all find inner peace and strength and joy during your time together.

  30. BJ Steeves Avatar
    BJ Steeves

    Enjoy the time with your son! ! We are not going anywhere,
    I am thankful for all of our men and women who serve, and have served, to protect our freedoms!

  31. Sandra Avatar

    I know how wonderful this feels. My son did a 13 month deployment in Iraq in 2005-06. You take all the time you want to. You and your son deserve it. And thank him for his service. ๐Ÿ™‚


  32. Charles Brentner Avatar
    Charles Brentner

    Congratulations on his safe return. I can certainly understand you wanting to take time off to spend with him after no doubt worrying about his safety while he was over there. I agree with the other posters who said to pass on their thanks to him for his service to our country. Take care.

    1. Kathlyn Fauchon Avatar
      Kathlyn Fauchon

      Give that kid a great big hug from me please.

  33. Reetta Avatar

    It’s awesome that your son is back home safely. Have a great family time! Thank you so much for all the effort you see for us all.

  34. Teresa Avatar

    Enjoy the time with your son. Thank him for his service!

  35. Karen Avatar

    I hope you and your son have a very relaxing time getting him settled back in. Please give him my thanks for his service to our country (and thank you to your entire family for sharing him as he serves).

  36. Riahanon Avatar

    My oldest son was stationed at a SAC AF base on 9/11. By 9:15 that morning my whole world centered on waiting for him tell me the base was secure and he was ok. Night fell before he was able to call. Having to deal with an entire year of that day would gut me. One mom to another, hugs to you. You give way too much to ever have to explain. Thank you to your son and your family, because families serve too.

  37. Rona Gofstein Avatar
    Rona Gofstein

    Glad he’s home. Make every minute count. Thank you for your honesty and clarity. We should never apologize for doing what we need for those we love.


  38. Sophia Ryan Avatar

    So happy for you! My son is also in Afghanistan, finishing out a year-long tour. Before that he was in Iraq for 18 months. He came home — surprise visit — for a few days at 4th of July, and it was such a gift. I used up almost all of the vacation days I’d been saving to use at Christmas just to be able to stay home from work with him while he was here. It was SO worth it! You enjoy your visit and don’t think about anything else!

  39. Jim Avatar

    That is welcome news. I have had you and him in my prayers for months.
    I remember what it was like when Dad came home from his deployments, particularly Vietnam.
    God bless you both, and the rest of the family.

  40. Tamyka Avatar

    Hi Holly,
    Reunions are wonderful and the weeks that follow can be very tough. I wish the best for you and your family.

  41. Wendy Avatar

    Congrats on him returning after such a long deployment. Enjoy a relaxing time with him and thank him for his service.

  42. Tiffanie Avatar

    Congratulations! Please tell him thank you for your service from me. Take all the time you need.

  43. DragonsLady (aka Francine) Avatar
    DragonsLady (aka Francine)

    Holly – take the time. You need your son and he needs you. We’ll wait knowing that family always comes first. Enjoy the time you have with him. Francine

  44. Kelly S. Bishop Avatar

    I’m so glad for all of your family that he’s safe and sound.

    Take Care,

    Kelly B.

  45. Corey Scott Avatar

    Can’t imagine a more important reason to take time off from all that you do. Enjoy, the both of you!

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