Thank you for the birthday posts, and for reading my work

holly-2015-250x250I’ve been trying very hard to stay positive and focused these past few months. I’ve done my best to keep working during the nearly simultaneous discovery back in June of dysplasia in my tongue and the final collapse of the website (when the shop is unfixably dead, the site is dead, Jim).

It’s been tough.

The fact that you came here last week, said hello, and wished me well helped more than you can imagine.

I tripped over The View From Fifty-Four this morning, and cringed at how much of a beating my life and objectives have taken in just one year.

Nothing has changed except my sense of the time I have in which to accomplish everything, but that has not changed for the better.

But having you come in and say, “I’m still here, I’m still with you…”

That helped. It helped a lot. Thank you for being here, for reading my books, my courses, my newsletters.

Thank you.

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16 responses to “Thank you for the birthday posts, and for reading my work”

  1. Sally Jane Driscoll Avatar
    Sally Jane Driscoll


  2. Julianna Avatar

    I understand about feeling your mortality…but 55 is just the beginning. The best, deepest, most moving writing and teaching of your career is yet to come, I just know it.

    1. Holly Avatar

      I’m still aiming for my great-grandmother’s 103.

      I’m going to give this everything I have. I love being alive, and I love all the things I get to do in my life.

      And the people I get to spend my time with.

      So…thank you. Good words.

  3. Dee Avatar

    Happy belated birthday, and best wishes for a really amazing new year for you! You’ve done so much for so many, it’s about time some really good fortune starts rolling your way.

    It’s been a bear of a year at our house as well, but your classes and the cameraderie on the boards has been a huge help. I’m glad I found your site, excited to be one of your students, and look forward to shamelessly plug your classes whenever the opportunity arises (NaNo boards, look out!) Take care of yourself!

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hugs on the Bear Year. Hoping our next year is a…am trying to think of an animal that suggests things improving, being fun and clever, and being kind of cute, too.

      How about a Red Fox Year starting in January for you and me?

      1. Dee Avatar

        Sounds good! Red Fox One, this is Red Fox Two, ready for the new year!

  4. Marie-Claire Avatar

    Pecker Up Old Bean.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Oh god oh god oh god! I read that and blew tea all over my computer screen.


      Fuck, that’s funny. Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Claudette Avatar

    Hey, do you think we’re gonna abandon someone who gets us and why we keep pushing for all we’re worth, someone who tells us like it is and never flinches from that truth?

    Holly, you’re our friend and we’re doing what friends do–we use patience with each other when distance won’t allow us any other avenue.

    Please take care of yourself, so you can help take care of our tiny needs and wishes. It’s reciprocal, you know.

    But most of all, you’re welcome to all the support we can give, because you’re worth it.

    It’s good to have you back, my friend.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Hugs, Claudette, and thank you. I really appreciate the patience.

      I’ll be so glad when it’s no longer necessary.

  6. Timmo Avatar

    A little late happy birthday from me, Holly ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Holly Avatar

      Thank you. All things considered, it was a REALLY good birthday.

  7. D J Mills Avatar

    No stressing, just work at getting well. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In the meantime I have started another novel series in a different genre, and need to write 2 more before I will look forward to the next part of the Series Extension course. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As a birthday wish, I hope you find/write another shopping program quickly so you can have many more sales.

    Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday wish from me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Holly Avatar

      We have a really nice shop in the works. We have a really nice payment processor. We have world’s best affiliate software (seriously). We have fabulous membership software that Dan has made into a work of art.

      Dan is connecting everything into an elegant solution to a question apparently only I am asking—how do you create an online writing school that is utterly simple for students, moderators and administrators, that doesn’t get in the way of communication, taking classes, re-taking classes, learning, having fun, creating publishable work, getting the work out there, promoting the work, introducing writers to the readers who will love them…

      And we have me, dragging my ass getting comments to Dan so he can work on each next step. I’m the bottleneck.

      But we are getting there.

      And thank you. It was a good birthday.

  8. Deb Salisbury Avatar

    Hugs, Holly! I hope you get much better news this year.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Thank. Me too. Right now, I’m trending in the right direction, anyway.

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